stanley uris 2 (request)

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requested by San528

We all arrived at the creepy house on Neilbort Street. I could tell that everyone was scared. Bill walked up onto the porch, the boards creaking under his feet. We all followed him, and he took a deep breath before opening the door. "Y-Y-You g-g-guys r-r-ready?" He asked. We nodded slowly. He opened the door, and I smelt a musky smell. The house was terrifying, and old. Stan walked close to me. There was a loud bang at the top of the stairs. We all jumped and turned towards it. "I-IT's u-u-up t-t-there." Bill whispered. We walked towards the stairs, slowly.

As we climbed up them, I could hear faint whispering. It sounded like someone was whispering my name. I shivered, and felt goosebumps appear on my skin. "Vanessa." I heard. "Do you guys hear that?" I asked. "Hear what?" Stan asked. "Never mind." I said. We got to the top of the stairs, and began to spilt up. "I'll go with Eddie, Bill go with Bev, and Ben, Stan, and Vanessa go together." Richie said. We all went to where Richie told us to go. We entered a room, that was dark.

You couldn't see a thing. I felt someone grab my hand. I assumed it was Stan or Ben. Well at least I hope so. I walked deeper into the room, not hearing any other footsteps but mine. "Stan? Ben?" I called. No answer. Maybe they were scared. I squeezed the hand that was holding mine, to see if they would squeeze back. They did. I sighed in relief. Suddenly there was a loud crash. I screamed, as the lights turned on. It was Stan or Ben that was holding my hand. It was a girl, her face was half torn off, you could see her bones, she had one eye the other eye was gone. Her clothes were stained with blood and dirt.

"Come float with me Vanessa." She said. I screamed, and ran. I ran into Stan, and he caught me. I cried in his arms. I was terrified of demons, and that's what she was. He grabbed my hand, and led me out of the house. "Vanessa are you okay?!" He shouted. I saw her again. She was behind him. "RUN!" I screamed pulling his hand. I ran behind the house, and climbed the fence. Stan did the same, and we ran back to the neighborhood. There, we saw the losers. "Oh my god we thought you two were dead!" Eddie screamed. Stan and I were both panting. "We had to go, the clown was too powerful." Richie said. I nodded. "Stan I'm still scared." I said as we were all walking down to the barrens.

"Listen to me Vanessa, you need to be brave. I know it may seem scary, but that's what it wants you think. So be strong, I'll be here for you." He said. I smiled. "Thanks Stan." I said hugging him. He smiled.

a/n: I know I said I wouldn't be posting anymore requests until tomorrow but I'm gonna post a few more

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