bill denbrough 4 (request)

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requested by timetofl0at

I was walking down to the barrens, to meet the other losers there when I heard a familiar voice call my name. "Dang Carla, those shorts look good on you." Henry said. I sighed. "What do you want Henry?" I asked. He walked up to me, and tried to put his arms around my waist. "You baby." He said. "Don't you dare touch me Henry." I said. He smirked, and tried to bring me close to him. I slapped him in the face, and ran. Him his gang, ran after me. I ran down to the barrens, and they followed. I heard Bill shouting at them. "L-L-LEAVE H-H-HER A-A-ALONE!" He shouted. They stop chasing me, and Henry walked up to Bill.

"Aw is little Stuttering Bill gonna take up for his girlfriend?" He said facing Bill. Bill swung a punch at Henry, which made a cut on his cheek. Henry got infuriated by this, and swung a punch at him. This made his nose bleed, Bill wiped the blood away and punched him again. I ran up to them, and got in between them taking a punch in the eye from Henry. "Ow!" I screamed in pain. "C-C-Carla!" Bill yelled running to my side. Henry kicked me in the knee, and laughed. "That's what you get for slapping me. You'll learn your lesson next time. Bye losers." He said running off with his gang.

I held my eye in pain. I sighed, knowing that I would have a black eye tomorrow. The other losers ran over to where we were. "She needs some ice for her eye to keep the swelling down." Eddie said. Bill nodded. I got up, and dusted off my shorts. "Thank you Bill." I said. "I-I-It w-w-was n-n-nothing." He said. I studied his nose in concern. "Bill, how bad does your nose hurt?" I asked. "N-N-Not t-t-that b-b-bad w-w-why?" He asked. "I don't want it to be broken." I said. I got on my tippy toes, and kissed his cheek. "Thank you, again." I said. He blushed.

All of us went to Richie's house, and he gave me some ice along with a rag. "Dang! He got you good!" Richie said. "I can tell." I said. I held the ice and rag on my eye. "H-H-Here l-l-let m-m-me h-h-help." Bill said. He held it on my eye, and I blushed. I could feel his warm breath on my face. Suddenly he held the rag down, and leaned in. Our lips connected, and they moved in sync. We pulled away, and looked at all the losers staring at us in disgust. We turned red. "Ew! Get a room you two!" Richie said. We laughed.

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