eddie kasprak (request)

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requested by lukeybabe68

I was over at Eddie's house, doing 'homework.' He finally convinced his mother to let me com over, only by saying we're doing our homework. She was out buying groceries, so it was just the two of us. I had a major crush on Eddie, but I never really knew if he liked me back. "So, how do we figure this out?" He asks. "Honestly Eddie, I don't know. Let's do something else." I say closing the math book. "But my mom-" I cut him off by covering his mouth  with my hand.

"It's okay. Let's play truth or dare." I say removing my hand. "EW MERINDA YOUR HAND PROBABLY HAS TONS OF GERMS ON IT!" He screams. I roll my eyes. "Eddie, my hands are clean now let's play the damn game." I say. He shuts his mouth, and we begin the game. "Okay I'll go first. Eddie truth or dare." I say. He hesitates, and replies with truth. "Is it true that you have a crush on someone?" I ask. He turns a bright pink, and bites his lip. "Y-Yeah." He says. I smirk. "Truth or dare Merinda." He says.

"Dare." I reply. "I dare you to kiss me." He says. My eyes go big and I feel my heart race. I slowly lean in, and bring our lips together. He jumps at first, then relaxes into the kiss. We pull away immediately when we hear the door shut. "Woah." He says. I smirk. "Well, I better go Eds. See ya tomorrow." I say leaving with a wink.

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