jaeden lieberher 6 (request)

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requested by jayceecord_

I was scrolling through my favorite actor's page, while face timing my best friend Wyatt. "We start filming next week, I can't wait." He said. "I'm excited for you." I said. Suddenly, I got a dm from someone. I checked who it was from and couldn't believe my eyes. "Jaycee? You there?" Wyatt asked. "Wyatt! Jaeden Lieberher just dm me!" I said. "Oh yeah he's your favorite actor right. Well he's in the movie I'm in." He said. "Lucky!" I said.

jaedenlieberher: hey I looked at yor account, I know that your friends with Wyatt. I just wanted to get to know you better.

Me: Hi, well my name's Jaycee. I'm surprised someone like you dm me.

jaedelieberher: why not? I mean look at you, your really cute and I bet your a sweet girl.

Me: aw thanks! I really think your a good actor, and we should hangout some time if your around.

jaedenlieberher: thank you, are you in Las Vegas?

Me: yeah

jaedenlieberher: I am too! maybe we could meet up somewhere tomorrow if that's okay.

Me: sounds good to me! I'm really excited to get to know you better :)

jaedenlieberher: same! well I have to go, I have practicing to do. I'll talk to you tomorrow hopefully!

Me: okay bye!

"Ahh Wyatt he wants to me meet me tomorrow!" I said. "That's awesome Jaycee, I have to go I'll talk to you later bye." He said hanging up.

~the next day~

Me: hey so where are we meeting and what time?

jaedenlieberher: how about that new ice cream parlor, at 1:00?

Me: sounds good see you then :)

jaedenlieberher: see ya

It was 12:30, so I decided to get ready. I dressed in (outfit above), and fixed my hair and makeup. My mom drove me to the parlor, and dropped me off. "I'll call you when I want you to pick me up." I said. "Okay bye love you." My mom said as I got out of the car. "Bye love you too." I said walking towards the ice cream parlor. I walked inside, and saw Jaeden looking down at his phone. I sat in the seat in front of him. "Hey." I said. He immediately looked up from his phone, and looked at me. "Oh hello, you must be Jaycee right?" He asked.

"Yep that's me, and you must be Jaeden." I said. He nodded smiling. We started to talk about things we liked, and turns out we have a lot in common. We ordered the same ice cream flavor, because it was both our favorite. After we ate ice cream, we walked to a park and talked more. When I started to get tired I called my mom and told her which park we were at. When she arrived, I hugged Jaeden goodbye. "It was nice hanging out with you, we should do this more often." He said. "You too, and totally. Let me give you my number." I said. He handed me his phone, and I typed my number in it.

"Bye Jaycee." He said. "Bye Jaeden." I said hanging his phone. I got in the car and my mom drove me home.

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