The Prank

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Estefania's P.O.V.

We scurried downstairs giggling and me having to shush them every once in a while. Sometimes I felt like I was the eldest of the three of us. When we arrived downstairs, I halted Andrea and Elizabeth before they would go any further. I waited until I saw that they coast was clear and signaled them to tiptoe towards the kitchen. I was positive we were going to find my mom and aunt Anna there. And I was almost certain they were eating chocolate. We slowly and soundlessly tiptoed to the kitchen and sure enough, we found our parents.

We walked back to the hallway between the living room and the gallery and Andrea planned a trap for our mothers. Since she was the smart one of our group, she made all of the calculations so that not one flaw would stop our plan from running smoothly. We set up an invisible wire foot-level connected to a whole contraption that goes into motion as a chain reaction and at the very top of our plan and ceiling lies the paint bucket. If everything runs smoothly and flawlessly, that paint bucket should make quite a mess.

"I don't think this is a good idea," Eli said with a shivering voice.

"You can't back out now. We already worked too hard," I said to her.

"But what if we get in trouble?" she asked looking a bit more terrified than before.

"That's part of the fun," Andrea said nudging her on the arm.

"Okay. All we need now is a distraction to get them over here," I thought out loud.

"I could break my piggy bank," Eli offered. But I turned it down saying that we wouldn't want her to feel bad about it and there is also a risk that they wouldn't be able to hear the noise. Then Andrea came up with a great idea.

"How about one of us goes into the kitchen, take some pans and come back and make the noise here?"

"How are we going to get into the kitchen?" I asked.

"We can come up with the excuse that we need it for an arts and crafts project," she explained.

"That can work. Who will volunteer to go?" I asked.

"Well Eli would probably chicken out and spill the beans. So I'll go," Andrea said valiantly.

"Okay. This is the plan. Eli and I will wait in the gallery while you do your thing," I explained pointing to Andrea. "She'll come back with the pans and we'll make the huge scene, causing our parents to come, causing the bucket to spill. And we're done!" I said. "Are we ready?" I asked excitedly.

"Yup!" Andrea and Elizabeth replied in unison.

"Alright. Let's go!" I exclaimed while clapping for encouragement. Andrea was out the door with confidence in a few seconds.

Good luck

Elsa's P.O.V.

I was talking with Anna in the kitchen just when Andrea came in and starting looking for something in the drawers. "What are you looking for?" Anna asked her.

"A pan," Andrea replied confidently.

"What do you need a pan for," Anna asked curiously. There was something in her voice that made the statement sound like a sly warning.

"Arts and crafts project," she replied smiling. Anna got up and handed one to her. "Oh. I need two. You know, just in case the first one doesn't come out properly." Anna handed her another one and sat back down next to me. "Thank you!" she said cheerfully and ran back to where she came from.

Not long after, Anna and I heard a crash coming from the gallery. I shot up from my seat and hurried over there while Anna followed behind me. As I was about to enter the gallery, I felt a cold wire touch my leg and I flinched, almost falling back. Right then, three heads popped out in front of me from out of no where. Again I jumped back and they all giggled and laughed. I turned around to face Anna, only to see her laugh a little too. I turned around to face the girls again. The last thing I saw them looking right above me before I was caked in purple paint.

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