Chapter 1 - The Step Mother

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"Terrin! Is your room clean?!" She called from downstairs. I blew out a deep breath and yelled back. "Yes, 'mother'!"

I lied. It wasn't clean. Well, not completely, unless you ignored all the laundry and books on the floor. But to me, they were just on display. I closed my laptop and got out of bed to finish picking up what was left to pick up.

"Terrin!" She called as she obnoxiously knocked on my door, startling me. "Are you ready yet?"

My step brother, Conner, was coming home from college today and he was bringing his girlfriend with him. So, of course, we were having a big family dinner. Grandmother was coming along with my aunt and uncle.

Rachael, my stepmother, has been on my ass all week about getting the house clean and ready for their arrival. Apparently, this was very important to her.

God, she's treating this as if we're having a celebrity over, I thought.

I've never come face to face with Conner's girlfriend. He's been gone for two years. He goes to school at the University of Florida which is all the way across the country. That's where he met his girlfriend, Jordan. I've never even seen pictures of her. Yet he's always talking about her. This is the first time I was actually gonna meet her and I hope it goes well.

"I will be," I replied to my step mother. She knocked on the door again. I sighed as I dropped the pile of clothes that were in my arms onto the floor and cracked my door open a little. She was standing outside with an aggravated look on her face. "What do you want?"

"For you to not talk to me like that" She replied harshly. She took a peek past me to check if my room was clean. She had, also, noticed that I was still in my PJ's and scowled at me. "Why is your room not clean? And I told you to get ready!" Rachael nagged as she pushed past me, entering my room. "Look at this mess!"

I didn't like Rachael at all. Out of all the women in the world, why did dad have to pick her? She was so... ugh! I couldn't stand her most of the time. At first, she was tolerable but now, just . . . what the hell? She thought that just because she's married to my dad she had control over me. You're wrong, lady.

My dad met Rachael a few months after my mom left us. Why did she leave? I honestly don't know. She just did.

I loved my mother. We were inseparable. She would be the one to defend me whenever someone messed with me. She was always there to wipe my tears away and sing to me whenever I was upset. She would always take me out to eat or to the park or shopping. It was always a lot of fun. I loved her. But then, one night she was tucking in little 10 year old me, the next morning she was gone without a trace. She didn't even leave a note. She just took an exit out of our lives and I will never forgive her for that.

My dad and I spent over a month looking for my mom. There was no sign of her. No one knew where she could have gone. I lost hope in finding her. I was just so depressed. I wanted to give up so, we did.

And then, that's when the evil step mother happened. It's kind of weird how they met.

Rachael had got lost on her way to a business dinner and my dad gave her directions. They talked for a bit and they just clicked. Just like that. Total complete strangers and it was like love at first sight for them.

After that they started dating. Rachael and I got along pretty well at first, actually. It's after she married my dad that she started showing her true colors.

He proposed to her at this beautiful resort. I forgot the name. I'm bad with names. Anyway, it was perfect. He had a live band play for her and then he took her for a walk on the beach where she found 'Will you marry me?' spelled out on the sand with red roses and candles. It was so romantic.

Sigh, I wish I had a love story similar to theirs. That's exactly what I need right now but I'm just a lonely and awkward girl who isn't fond of people at all.

I picked up the clothes that were on the floor and threw them into the basket. I could feel her eyes burning holes on my back as I walked to my closet to find something to wear. I could tell she was highly annoyed with me. Eh, what else was new?

I knew how much my father loved her. I honestly didn't understand why. Seriously? Why her?! I tried to respect that, though. She made my dad happy and I like seeing him happy. So, I pretend that tolerate Rachael even though I secretly want to throw a brick at her head.

I scanned my closet. I couldn't find anything to wear that would satisfy her. I turned around and faced her. She stood there with a scowl on her face and her arms crossed. "I don't have anything 'fancy' to wear," I said, emphasizing the word fancy.

"Find something, Terrin. You don't have to look fancy. Just don't look like a slob. T-shirts and sweats will not be acceptable!" Rachael stormed out of my room after telling me to hurry up and closed the door behind her.

I sighed and rolled my eyes as I went back to look. I decided to look casual and grabbed a pink muscle shirt with some white skinny's.

As I got dressed I called up my best friend, Angie, and asked her to come over for the dinner. I would need someone to help me get through tonight and she's honestly the only person who can keep my mind at ease around my stepmother, especially on special occasions. Well, special to her. I couldn't give a crap about any of this.

"I'm sorry. I can't." She apologized. "My parents are making me go to some convention with them. It blows"

"Damn. Why can't you just skip it? I really need you tonight," I whined.

She chuckled. "I can't, Terr. They refuse to leave me behind. But hey, I'll talk to you later, okay? Good luck with the dinner, love ya, bye" She said as she hung up. I guess I had to go through this by myself. Crap.

I cleaned up my room and got ready for the stupid dinner. Ugh, this was going to be a long night.


Opinions would be much appreciated. picture of Terrin to the side. On top if you're on mobile.

P.S. follow me on snapchat (batmangiggles) BC why not;p

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