Chapter 14 - You're All I Want

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It has now been about two months since Jordan and I have gotten together, and our relationship is amazing. We hang out together at her apartment everyday. She takes me then, picks me up from work. She also takes me out to places like the mall, restaurants, etc. When we're not together we would be sending each other cute text messages. 

Now that it's beginning to get cold, we mostly stay indoors which I don't mind because that means a lot of cuddling. I absolutely love the feeling of being in her arms. I would say I'm cold, and she immediately would come and wrap her arms around me, and hold me. I love it.

Ever since Jordan came into my life, I've been happier. Her presence gives me good vibes. Her smile and laugh make my day. The way she looks at me with those precious brown eyes of hers makes me melt. The way she touches my body makes me go crazy. She's a drug that I'm addicted to. I can't get enough of Jordan.

It's like we were made for each other. Jordan understands me completely, and knows exactly what to do in every situation. She can quickly tell when I'm upset and tries her best to cheer me up, which always works. She can get me to crack a smile on my worst days. She's amazing.

She's also a great partner in bed. Jordan knows all the spots to hit and how to get me to reach my climax. She has all sorts of tricks she does. I, of course, return the favor. Each time is a great experience. I've never thought of myself hooking up with another girl before. This was all new to me. But, Jordan made sure I was comfortable whenever we did stuff.

I just wish we wouldn't have to sneak around with our relationship. I also wish I didn't have to share her with my step brother. I want Jordan all to my self but sometimes I feel like that will never happen, and at those times I lose hope on us until Jordan reminds me we can do this. 

I don't wanna lose Jordan. I can't lose her. She's the source of my happiness. I'm basically competing against Conner, though, and Jordan's the prize. I never know if I'll win or if I'll lose. I hope Jordan means it when she says we'll make it. These past two months have been amazing because of her, and I don't wanna lose that. I don't wanna go through losing someone I really love again.

My mother hasn't tried to contact me since the last time we saw each other, and I haven't tried either. The fact that she has a woman still roams through my mind from time to time. Sometimes I just wanna confront her about it. It would be too awkward, though. Plus, I'm still mad at her.

I haven't told my dad what I saw that day. I'm not even sure if he knows or not. If he doesn't, I don't wanna be the one to break it to him. Hey dad, what's up? By the way, mom left you for a woman.

He still tries to get me to talk to her but I don't bother to. If she has something to tell me, she could call me up and tell me. I'm curious about what he means, but I also don't wanna give in to her and make her think I've forgiven her. 

I find it funny that Rachael isn't aware that we came across my mom. We didn't bother to tell her. She would be on top of us about it and become nosy. For a person that doesn't wanna lose my dad, she wouldn't want him back in contact with my mom. Yeah, she's a jealous bitch.

Rachael doesn't have to worry about that, though. My mom only made a small appearance in our lives. She no longer matters to this family.

As for Louis, yeah, he's still black mailing me. I've yet to come up with a plan to stop him. He tried to get me in bed with him last week. It didn't work of course. I would never get in bed with him. Ever.

Louis doesn't know Jordan I are together. That would just give him more stuff to black mail me with. Jordan told me she was gonna take care of him though. I asked her how but she wouldn't tell me for some reason. It's whatever though. As long as she stops him. I'm beyond done with Louis and don't care what happens to him.

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