Chapter 16 - Enough

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I lie in bed as Jordan began sliding off my shirt while simultaneously kissing me on the lips. She ran her fingers down my stomach, followed by a trail of kisses down to my belly button then, back up to my chest where she placed a hickie.

"Oh, Jordann," I moaned as she popped one of my buds into her mouth. I closed my eyes as I enjoyed the feeling of her plump lips around my nip, and her warm tongue rolling around it. She began to pull down my sweats when we heard a noise.

It sounded like the front door being opened.

"Jordan," a voice called.

It was Conner.

Jordan threw herself off me when she heard him, and started to panic. As did I.

We pulled ourselves up to a sitting position and sat there frozen, just looking at each other with a worried expression on our faces.

The foot steps grew louder and Jordan snapped her head towards the door.

"You need to hide!" She barely whispered. I nodded and looked around for a spot to hide in. I felt like a child who was playing hide and go seek, and hiding last minute.

As soon as we heard foot steps coming towards the room, Jordan pushed me into the closet and quickly slid the door shut. It was then when I heard the door open.

"Hey, w-what are y-you doing home so early?" Jordan stuttered. I watched them through the thin crack between the two closet doors.

"I forgot my work cap," Conner replied as he looked around the room. "You seen it?"

Jordan shook her head. "Maybe it's in your car."

"If it were in my car, don't you think I would have been at work by now?" He sighed.

Conner checked the drawer then, began walking towards the closet. "Maybe it's in here."

My heart pace picked up as he came closer. That's when Jordan jumped in front of him blocking his way.


"Jordan, what are you doing? I'm gonna be late," he spoke.

"It's not in there," she quickly replied.

Conner slightly pushed her out of the way and placed his hand on one of the knobs. "I don't have time for your nonsense today."

My heart was practically beating out of my chest right now. I was sweating and got a sick feeling in my stomach. I felt numb. My step brother was about to find me half naked in his closet. I was screwed.

I closed my eyes and lowered my head in shame, waiting to be busted.

"Wait! Now I remember! I put it to wash. I'm sorry," Jordan said.

Conner dropped his hand from the knob, and turned to Jordan.

"If you knew I needed it the next day, why would you put it to wash?" Conner asked.

"I forgot, okay?" Jordan retorted.

My eyes shot open as I looked through the crack. I let out a sigh of relief. But, I wasn't safe just yet.

I began looking around the small dark closet to find a way to hide myself in case he decided to come in here for anything else. There was nothing.

Conner sighed. "It's alright. Maybe you can make it up to me," he caressed her arm then, placed his lips on hers. His hands made their way down to her arse where he picked her up and threw her onto the bed climbing on top of her.

"I thought you were gonna be late," Jordan spoke.

"A few minutes won't hurt," Conner smirked.

I sat there in the closet watching them get it on. I was disgusted, and couldn't bare to look anymore.

It was getting hot and uncomfortable in here, and the fact that I had to wait until they were done aggravated me.

After they were done, Conner finally left. As soon as he did, I opened the closet door and crawled out, startling Jordan.

"Did you forget I was in there?" I breathed out.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, Terrin!"

I waved her off and sat on the corner of her bed. Jordan moved closer to me, and placed her arm around my shoulder. She leaned in to kiss me but I stopped her.

"What's wrong?" She arched her brows

After catching my breath, I spoke. "Jordan, we can't do this."

"What do you mean?" Do what?" She asked.

"This. Us. We can't continue this," I looked at her. "We almost got caught, Jordan. What we're doing is not only risky but wrong."

Jordan sat there taking in my words. I wasn't wrong, though. What we were doing was wrong. She was cheating on my step brother with me. If anyone other than Angie were to find out they'd probably be disgusted.

"Terrin, please. We can-"

"-No, we can't! I'm tired of sneaking around, and sharing you with someone else. Especially with someone whom I call family, Jordan. I wanna be in a relationship where we can go out without worrying about anyone seeing us like this together. I wanna show you off as my beautiful girlfriend, and brag about you to my family, co workers, and everyone else."

Jordan shook her head and looked down at her hands. "I'm sorry it has to be like this. You know why, though. I've told you maybe this could work out in the end. I wouldn't wanna throw this away, and never find out if we make it or not."

"Neither do I," I replied.

"Well, that's exactly what you're doing, Terrin."

I looked into her eyes that were now becoming teary. I took her hands into mine. "You know I love you, a lot. But, I can't do this. I'm sorry."

I stood up and quickly got dressed before walking over to the door. Looking back at her one last time before leaving.

"So, this is it, then?" She asked.

I nodded then, left without another word.

This was it. Jordan and I were done for good.


Sorry if this update was crappy I'm updating from my phone D:

But, Lemme know what you think <3 vote/comment xx

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