Chapter 18 - Planning

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"What do you think?" Jordan asked holding up a red and white dress in front of her. The red silk made the dress pop out, and the way it would hug her body while the bottom flows would make her look absolutely stunning.

"I like it," I stated my opinion.

Jordan made me go dress shopping with her today. Well, her and my step mom. I didn't wanna go but Rachael continuously yelled at me until I agreed to go with Jordan. I went just so I wouldn't have to hear her mouth anymore.

Out of everyone, Rachael seems the most excited about the wedding. It's all she talks about. It's like she's been waiting for this to happen. Jordan and Conner weren't planning on rushing things. They actually wanted to be engaged until next year. But, someone wanted it to happen sooner. So, here we are.

"Terrin, this would look cute on you," Jordan spoke. She picked out a dress from the rack and held it in front of me. The bell. strapless dress was white with a lacy top while the bottom flowed freely.

"It's pretty," I slightly smiled.

We walked around for a while looking around for her wedding dress, and my bridesmaid dress. We've gone through about twenty dresses and Jordan still hasn't found the right one. I, however, found mine 15 dresses ago. But, Jordan said she wouldn't recommend that dress for me. So, we continued our search.

"Oh my god," Jordan whispered. Her hand was over her mouth in shock as she stopped in front of me. I followed her gaze to see what was it that had caught her attention.

A mannequin stood before us in a white mermaid gown. It was strapless with a sweetheart neckline and a corset top.

"This," Jordan smiled. A sales clerk walked by and Jordan asked for the price.

"$2,500," the sales clerk replied. Jordan widen her eyes at the price.

"$2,500?" She repeated. The clerk nodded her head.

Jordan sighed and pulled out her phone from her purse. "Give me a minute," she said before stepping away.

I walked around scanning some dresses when I noticed someone with a familiar face walk in. She walked towards the sales clerk that was just helping Jordan. After she noticed me was when she started strutting towards me.

"Hey girly," she smirked.

"What are you doing here?" I asked crossing my arms against my chest.

"Visiting mommy," she nodded her head towards the clerk. "Now, I'm visting you."

I rolled my eyes and attempted to walk away but she followed me. 

"So, what are you doing here? Lookin' for our wedding dresses?"

"Our?" I snickered. "I don't even know you."

"Oh, but you should. I mean, I did save your life, remember? I should be thanked," she spoke in a low voice.

She was right. She did help me that night, and I never did thank her.

"Alright, thank you. Now please, leave me alone?"

I proceeded to walk away but she grabbed my arm and held me back.

"What the hell do you want?" I snapped, growing frustrated.

"You," she winked. "I deserve more than a thank you. Maybe a ring on my finger, wifey?"

"Not gonna happen," I laughed. "Let me go."

"Not until you agree to be my wifey," she offered. 

"She's already engaged," a voice came from behind me. We turned around to see Jordan standing behind us with her hand on her hip and a stern look on her face. Jordan walked up to us and grabbed my hand yanking me away from the red head.

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