Chapter 17 - Too Late to Apologize

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I stood in front of the funeral home looking up at it as I took a deep breath. I turned my head upon feeling a hand on my back. 

"Are you ready?" My father asked. I gave him a little smile and nodded my head before walking up the steps, and in through the doors. 

As soon as I walked in I was hit with a cool breeze and the atmosphere of grieve. I walked through the crowd of people dressed in black standing by the main entrance, talking quietly among each other while others were dabbing their eyes with tissues. I looked around the room and noticed that I knew almost none of these people. 

I felt eyes on me as I walked around. They were probably wondering who I am. Yeah, I wondered the same.

I walked into the next room. The room here my mother was being held in. Her white casket sat in the front of the room covered in bouquets of flowers, and many pictures. Beside her casket was a screen showing a slide show of more pictures. Pictures from when she was young, some that look like they were taken after she left, and some with the woman I saw her with. They looked happy in those pictures.

As I was about to look away, the next picture on the screen was of her sitting on a park bench with a little blonde girl on her lap. A girl in which looked like me. I felt my eyes become watery as I studied the photo. She was looking down at me with a wide smile, as I was doing the same.

I kept staring at the screen even after the picture disappeared. I started reminiscing the times before she left us. We were such a happy family. It hurts me to know that the perfect family I hoped to have split up and went their separate ways. I wish it didn't end like this.

My father came up behind me and took me by the arm. We walked together down the aisle to take our seats up front. It was only him and I who came to the funeral. As far as my step mother knows, we're out having a father-daughter day. 

I looked around for Conner and Jordan who said they were coming with each other instead of joining us. I finally found them sitting across from us. Jordan and I stared at each other for a moment before we both looked away. It was now awkward to be in the same room as her again.

Jordan and I haven't talked since I ended things with her, and I was missing her like crazy. I wish I hadn't done what I had done, but I had to. I didn't wanna be in a relationship where I was continuously being hurt. It wasn't her hurting me. It was the fact that I had to share her, and she wouldn't pick between her two partners who she preferred to be with.

If a person wants to be with me, then they will be with me only. I refuse to share anyone with someone else. 

My view of Jordan and Conner was blocked when a woman took a seat next to me. I looked up to see it was the same woman I saw my mom with, and she was looking back at me.

"You must be Terrin?" She asks. I nodded in response. She smiled and pulled out a white envelope from her purse, then handed it to me.

"Your mother told me to give you this."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What is it?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "She just told me to hand it to you if this day ever came."

I nodded and thanked her. I looked down at the envelope. My name was written across it with a heart. On the back it said, With much love, Colleen. I stuffed it in my purse as I would open it later.

"I'm Katie by the way," she held her hand out for me to shake it.

I introduced myself while I took her hand, but I figured she already knew who I was.

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