Chapter 13 - Meeting Mother

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I arrived at the address that was given to me over text. I parked my car on the narrow street, and hopped out, making my way into the large building that stood about 20 feet high.

I walked in and towards the receptionist.

"Kerri Higgins," I said to the black-haired women.

She nodded and grabbed the phone to inform her I was here. When she hung up she gave me the room number and pointed towards the direction I had to go.

I thanked her and made my way to the elevator.

I stood there waiting for my floor. I blew out a deep breath and tapped my foot on the floor. I don't understand why I was so nervous.

Truthfully, I didn't wanna do this. I didn't care to see her again. But I wanted answers, and I was finally gonna get them after all these years. If it even is her.

I finally reached my floor. I hesitated to step out. Part of my wanted to back out, but another part needed those answers desperately. So with that, I stepped out and looked for room numbers.

"Room 302," I mumbled to myself as I studied the numbers on each door.

I walked down the long hallway until I finally saw the number I was looking for.

I gave the door a soft knock.

"Come in," spoke a soft voice.

I took a deep breath in and slowly let it out before entering.

I turned the knob, opening the door slowly. I felt a cool breeze hit me as I stepped in. I looked up and there she was, sitting behind her desk with a huge smile on her face.

It's her. It really is her. After all these years, I was face to face with my mother again. She looked so different from what I last remember.

Her face was round which ended in a slight point at her chin. Her brown, narrow eyes sat above her nose, which curved up a little. Under that were her thin lips which was coated with red lipstick. Her dirty blonde hair sat in a neat bun on her head. She looked great.

"Terrin," She casually stood up, coming towards me to give me a hug, which I didn't return.

"You look so beautiful," She cooed. "You've gotten so big."

I rolled my eyes as she motioned me to sit down.

"How have you been? How's life? Fill me in!" She said.

I glared at her. This is the first time she's seen me since she disappeared, and that's all she has for me? Small talk? I was expecting an apology, at least.

"You would know if you were in my life," I said in a low voice.

Her grin turned into a frown as she looked down.

"Why did you leave?" I finally asked.

She looked back up at me with a disappointed look on her face.

"Terrin, I don't think we need to talk about this," she said. "What matters now is that you're here and-"

"No!" I stood up, slamming my fists against the wooden desk. "I came here for answers, and I'm gonna get them. I don't care how long it takes! You owe me an explanation!"

It got quiet. I stared at her until she spoke. I felt tears form in my eyes, but I wasn't about to cry now. Not in front of her. So I tried to hold them back.

"I left to protect you..." She finally said.

I furrowed my eyebrows at her. What did she mean, to protect me?

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