Chapter 5 - Dreams

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I woke up to a cool breeze gently hitting my face. I rubbed my eyes and slightly opened them to see a mini fan sitting on the bedside table.

I turned my head to scan the room I was in. It was my room.

I tried to sit up and as soon as I did I was hit with a migraine.

"Jesus," I said holding my head.

I'm highly confused and I don't remember anything that went on last night. All I remember is that Angie and I went out clubbing. I met this guy and then, she left with hers. Everything else is far from my memory. What the hell happened last night?

Suddenly, the door opened and in came Jordan.

"Hey you," she smiled. "You're awake."

She walked over to me with a glass of water in her hand and an aspirin. I grabbed it from her and inserted the aspirin in my mouth then, washed it down with the water.

Suddenly, a feeling of nausea came out of nowhere. I placed the glass down and rushed to the bathroom, kneeled over the toilet and barfed. Jordan came in behind me and held my hair back as I did.

"You alright?" she asked.

"Clearly not," I said as I stood back up and wiped my mouth. "Jordan, what happened last night?"

She looked at me and sighed. "You don't remember, do you?"

I shook my head.

"All I remember is that I went to the club with Angie. I don't remember anything else after that," I explained as I made my way out of the bathroom and onto my bed with Jordan right behind me. She then, sat down beside me.

"Terrin, you were drugged." She stated.

I raised my eyebrows. "Drugged?"

She nodded.

Drugged? I was drugged? But how?

I tried to think back to last night and remember all that happened, but nothing came up.

"Do you remember the guy you were with last night?" Jordan asked.

"James? Yeah," I responded.

"He was your drugger. I called you to see where you were and some random girl picked up and told me you were passed out on the bathroom floor at the club so, I quickly went and got you," she explained.

I gasped. Suddenly, I got a blurry memory of what happened. James and I had drinks and he tried to take me home but I wouldn't go with him. What I don't remember is who was the girl with me in the bathroom Jordan was talking about.

"Who was the girl with me in the bathroom?" I asked.

"Some red-haired girl with a nose piercing," she replied.

My eyes widened as I thought of that same girl that grabbed my ass last night. She was in the bathroom. Alone. With me.

"Oh my gosh, I was molested!" I started freaking out.

"She probably touched me in . . . Inappropriate places and . . . Oh my gosh, Jordan, I gotta shower!"

Jordan laughed. "Terrin, calm down! She didn't do anything to you! All she did was help you. You have nothing to worry about."

"She told me she saw him drop some roofie in your drink while you were away and that's how she knew what was wrong. She didn't do anything to you."

I looked at her as my breathing starting to slow down back to a normal speed. I was relieved that she didn't do anything but surprised that I was almost raped. 

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