Chapter 3 - Apologies

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Angie invited me to the mall today. I agreed to go with her just to get away from everyone and get my mind off what happened last night. We walked into almost every store. I spent almost $300 on clothes and other stuff.

I told her all about the incident as we walked around. I explained how they all made me look bad and how I blew up on them. She was surprised at how they acted but expected my reaction.

Angie has known me long enough to know I have a short temper. If you get on my bad side, you will surely regret it.

"Terrin, you need to get laid." She told me. "You're always so grouchy! I'm sure if you found a guy, you would be much  happier."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "So, you think the reason I'm like this is because I don't have a love life?" I restated.

Angie chuckled. "Well, I don't know. I'm just saying. You should get into dating again. Maybe it will help, you know?"

I haven't been in a relationship for three years. Every time I get into one they end horribly so, I just gave up. I haven't thought about dating since then.

I went straight home after the mall. My feet hurt and I was exhausted. As I carried my five shopping bags up the stairs to my room, I heard my parents in the room next to mine. I stopped at their door and listened to what they were saying. It sounded like they were arguing about me.

I rolled my eyes and proceeded to my room as I thought about how Rachael is probably filling my dad's ears with complete bs like she always does.

I threw my bags on the floor in the corner of my room and let myself fall onto my queen sized bed.

As I was scrolling through my phone, I heard a knock on my door.

I blew out a deep breath before asking, "Who is it?"

The door creaked open. "Me." I heard my dad's voice say. I sat up in bed as he took a seat next to me. We sat there in silence for a minute.

"Listen, Terr, I'm sorry about last night. They shouldn't have acted like that-"

"But they did," I interrupted.

He sighed. "They had no right to, I understand that you got upset. But the way you reacted was not appropriate at all."

I rolled my eyes as I listened to his words. I know what I said was a bit too much but they took it too far last night. I was really hurt by their words and I wasn't gonna let them continue to speak about me like that.

"You need to apologize to Rachael and your family" he said. "Including Jordan. She told me what happened when she came up to talk to you. You're nineteen, Terrin. Act like your age."

I huffed and looked at him. "Fine."

He responded with a smile and a thank you then, hugged me before leaving.

I got up from bed and went to talk to Rachael and Jordan. We apologized to each other, well, Rachael's apology was obviously half assed but I'm happy things between Jordan and I are clear.

Jordan followed me up to my room afterwards and we got to know each other more. Then, we talked about basically nothing without getting bored. She, also, told me stories about her childhood that had me dying. I had to admit, this chick is really cool.

"Is that your camera?" She asked, pointing to the camera on my dresser.

"Yeah," I said, getting up and grabbing it. I turned it on to show her the pictures I had in here which included nature, and some of myself.

"Wow, these are really good!" She said, scrolling through them. She paused at a photo of my dad and me. "You look beautiful in this one."

I could feel my cheeks become red. "You think so?" I asked, trying to hide the fact that I was blushing.

She smiled. "Of course. You look really happy here."

I smiled slightly. There's that feeling again. Butterflies in my stomach, heart pounding. But I think I finally understand it. I didn't want to admit it to myself yet, though. I wanted to talk to Angie about it and see what she thinks. Hopefully, it isn't what I'm thinking.

Then, suddenly, Jordan leaned in towards me and held the camera out in front of us.

"Say cheese!" She smiled.

I made a weird face as she snapped a photo.


Angie came over to hang out for a bit. She met Jordan and we all chilled in the backyard. Jordan went back inside and I took that chance to talk to Angie. I explained to her what has been happening to me whenever I'm around Jordan. She just stared at me the whole time as if I had 3 eyes.

"Terrin,you just described a crush," She gasped. "Are you crushing on your brother's girlfriend?!"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What? No, I'm as straight as a stick!"

"You sure about that?" She asked, seeming suspicious. I nodded.

To be honest, I was thinking the exact same thing. I've not once thought about a girl this way. Then suddenly Jordan comes into the picture and my hormones rage around her. I didn't want to admit it, though. I might find her attractive but I'm not crushing on her. I'm not into girls at all.

Jordan came back with some snacks. I caught myself staring at her ass as she walked by. I guess Angie noticed because she stared at me with an eyebrow raised and her arms crossed.

"Damn it, I forgot the dip for the chips. I'll be right back!" Jordan said before running back inside.

"Yeah, you're straight, alright," Angie said with much sarcasm.

I chuckled. "Shut up, Angie!"


Picture of Conner to side

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