Chapter 12 - Can You Keep a Secret?

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I was about to hang up but then I heard a small voice.

"Terrin?" It said.

"Who is this?" I cut to the chase.

"Terrin, it's Colleen. Your mother."

My eyes widen and my phone nearly slipped out of my hand. My mother? No. This isn't possible.

"Hello?" She spoke after I didn't say anything. I didn't have anything to say. I was speechless.

But, I was also having a hard time believing this person who claims to be my mom, really is.

What if it really is, though?

No. A parent doesn't just disappear from their children's life without warning, and call them up with their number blocked years later.

"Terrin?" She said again.

"You're not my mother," I spoke quietly. "I don't know who you are, how you know my name, or how you even got my number. Just leave me alone."

I hung up before this person could say anything else.

"Are you okay?" Jordan sat down beside my and caressed my arm.

I nodded.

"Well, what was that about?"

I sighed. I didn't want to get into this conversation. I felt like it was irrelevant. I just wanted to go back to what we were doing before we were interrupted.

"Nothing," I spoke. "I'm sorry for pushing you off like that. Someone has been calling me with their number blocked lately, and I was curious on who it was. It was no one, though."

She smiled. "It's alright."

I smiled and climbed into bed, wrapping myself up in the blanket. It was cold. The fact that I was naked made it worse.

Jordan climbed in next to me and wrapped her arms around me so we were now spooning.

I smile spread across my face as I closed my eyes. This right here felt good. I needed to be in Jordan's arms right now.

"Terrin," she whispered in my ear.

"Hm?" I replied.

"When I said I love you . . ."

Oh. Here it comes. She didn't mean it. Of course she didn't. I was stupid to fall for it again.

I sighed and turned so that I was now facing her, waiting to be hit with disappointment. But, to my surprise, the opposite happened.

She cupped my face with her hand, and caressed it as she looked into my eyes. "I meant it."

I looked back into her eyes and smiled. She meant it. This made me happy.

"You have me head over heels, Terrin," she laughed.

"So do you, Jordan."

We spoke in whispers. She then, kissed me, and I kissed back.

"So, what now?" I ask after we break the kiss.

She stays quiet and looks at me as if she's thinking. 

"I don't want this to stop," she spoke.

I smiled. "Neither do I. But, what about Conner?"

"I can keep a secret if you can," she smirked.

I nodded in agreement. We were really doing this. I can't believe it.

Jordan placed her lips back on mine, and before we knew it, we were back to doing what we were doing when we first entered the room.

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