Chapter 20 - The Wedding, Before & After

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I took a long drive to clear my mind off what has been happening. After walking out on Jordan, I've been feeling really bad. I left her without a bridesmaid two days before the wedding. I couldn't go through with it, though. I just can't be there watching my step brother marry the woman whom I've fallen head over heels for. It would be too painful for me.

I'm hoping Jordan is able to find a new bridesmaid before the wedding. I may be pissed at her, but I don't want her big day to be ruined because of me.

As I'm driving down this street I notice a familiar figure. I smile and roll down the window as soon as I recognize who it is.

"Angie!," I called.

She turned around and came towards me, smiling. I haven't talked to Angie in a while. She was away with a friend of hers for a few weeks and it seems like she just came back.

"Terrin! I've missed you!" She said as she climbed into my car.

"I've missed you too. How was your trip?" I asked.

"It was amazing! I'm so sorry I haven't called you, though. My phone broke!"

"That sucks," I responded. "When did you get back?"

"Today! I was actually on my way to your job to see if you were there. Glad you showed up, though. It looks like it's about to rain," she said looking up to the grey clouds that were slowly coming in. I nodded in agreement.

"So, how's Jordan? Her wedding is coming up, isn't it?" Angie asked.

"Yeah, two days," I replied.

I pulled into the parking lot of a coffee shop and parked on an available spot.

"How do you feel about it?" Angie asked as we entered the shop.

"I'm not gonna lie, it hurts. But, whatever makes her happy. I just wish she didn't lead me on the way she did just to end up marrying Conner."

"Yeah, that's pretty messed up," Angie agreed.

I ordered Angie and I some coffee then we sat down at a booth.

"What makes it worse is that she made me her bridesmaid. I had to walk out on her, though. I just couldn't do it."

"But are you still going?" Angie sipped on her coffee.

I shook my head. "I can't go. It'll hurt too much, Angie."

"It'll mean a lot to her, Terr."

"I doubt it," I scoffed. 

"Terrin, I know you're hurt. I understand why you would be. But, trust me, you still have a big space in Jordan's heart. It seems like she really wants you to be at that wedding. If you really love her, you would put your feelings aside and be there for her."

I placed my elbows on the table holding my head with my hands. This situation was frustrating, and now I didn't know what to do. Should I be there for the woman who hurt me, or should I not?

As I thought about it, the answer became obvious.

"I'm sorry, Angie. I just can't." I spoke.

"Alright, well, it's your choice I guess. I just wish you'd go with the smarter choice," Angie sighed.

Two days later . . .

I woke up and began getting ready for work. Today was Jordan's wedding but I had work. I used that as the perfect excuse for not attending the wedding.

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