Chapter 15 - Gone

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She climbed up two flights of stairs before reaching his apartment. The door opened after a few knocks, exposing the person she came to see.

"Hey Louis," she spoke seductively. She posed, and made sure he had a good view of her body that was dressed in a blue crop top and black leggings.

"Hey, wasn't expecting you to come over," he said sounding surprised. Clearly he was expecting his victim.

She gazed at him while biting her lips. "Are you gonna leave me standing out here, or are you gonna let me in?"

"Oh, uh, s-sure," he stuttered as he stepped aside to let his unexpected visitor in. He then, closed the door after her.

"What's in that bag?" he nodded towards the black gym bag in her hands.

"My workout stuff," she simply replied. "Came here straight from the gym."

Louis nodded to indicate that he understands then, furrowed his brows. "Why'd you bring it up here then? Why didn't you just leave it in the car?"

That question practically stumped her as she began to think of a lie to get away with what's really in that bag. "I didn't realize it was in my hand."

Luis stepped into the kitchen and pulled out a beer from the fridge. "You want one?" He held one out to his visitor, who declined the offer.

"So," she stepped closer to him where they were now face to face. She gently ran her hand down his toned chest. She smirked when she looked up to see his eyes widen and his lips parted. "Are you gonna give me the entertainment I came here for?"

"I uh . . ." he managed to get out. He didn't know how to respond to this. He was astonished, yet excited. She gently tugged at the waist of his blue jeans. She knew he was growing excited. Literally.

"Are you sure you wanna do this? What about-"

She pressed her finger against his lip and shushed him before he could say another word. She grabbed his sweaty hand, and her gym bag that laid on the floor then, made her way down the hall into Louis' room.

She dropped the bag on the floor near the queen sized bed that was covered with blue, plaid sheets. She then, placed her small hands on his chest and pushed him onto the bed. Louis watched as she unzipped his jeans and pulled them down exposing his bulge.

He let out a small moan as she stroked his stick through his gray boxers. He knew what they were about to do was wrong, but he didn't care as long as no one found out, and he was gonna make sure no one did. Well, that's what he thought was happening.

His partner for the time being suddenly climbed out of bed, and opened the bag, pulling out a black blind fold. Louis lifted his head to see what she was doing. He raised an eyebrow once he saw what she had in her hands.

"Never knew you were into that stuff," he smiled. She smiled back while climbing back on top of him. She tied the blind fold around his eyes and made sure that it was on tight. She then, kissed his forehead before heading back to her bag. What she pulled out next were a pair of hand cuffs.

"What's that?" he asked as he heard the items in her hand jingle.

"Nothing," she replied seductively. "Just some more stuff for our enjoyment."

He chuckled. "You had this planned, huh? You never went to the gym. You just brought that bag with you to hide any suspicion. I like how you're sneaky."

She gave an evil grin as she grabbed his wrists, and cuffed them to the black, metal poles of the headboard. "Oh, I'm very sneaky."

"Can't wait for what you're gonna do to me. This is so amazing," he grinned.

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