John F. Kennedy: An Unfinished Life book one

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Day: November 22,1963

Location: Dallas Texas, President Kennedy is about to give his last speech or so everyone thought

Time: 10:21 am

Pov: Jackie Kenendy

The rain patted softly on my hair, immediately sleeking it and giving me chills. I followed Jack to the exit of the hotel, wearing the pink fabulous suit that he loved.

There was a massive crowd out, screaming and yelling. I put on one of my smiles and then sat down in the chair I was instructed to sit in.

My stomach churned as Jack went up to the podium to speak. I had never seen him so full of light and happiness. His smile was so charming and filled with light. I watched him carefully as he spoke, promising that he would do so much better in his second term and in the civil rights.

I started biting at the inside of my cheek, the taste of blood quickly feeling my mouth. It was metallic and when we left to go to the trademart, the rain had stopped coming down. The sun was shining and birds were chirping and the sky was pure blue.

Such a beautiful day, I thought, smiling warmly at the crowds that greeted us. I had my sunglasses in my pocket.

I sat down with Jack in the backseat of the limo, the Conally's in the front of the car with the driver who was a secret service agent. I watched as secret service agents marched to the front, quiet and solemn. When they climbed up in the back, Jack ordered them to back off.

We began the course down Main Street to Elm Street and then towards the trade mart. A sinking feeling was in my stomach and I couldn't tell why. My gloved white hands reached to put my sunglasses but Jack stopped me.

"Don't," he said quietly. "They want to see your eyes, Jackie."

Those were his last words to me but not to everyone in the car.

When the limo started down to Dealey Plaza, Mrs. Conally turned to look at Jack and smile. "Mr. President, you can't say Dallas doesn't love you."

Jack smiled back coolly and calmly at her. "No, you certainly can't."

I felt the quietness in the car until I heard a sound. Possible the sound of a firecracker. I felt Jack stiffen beside me. I turned to look at him and at him and he was grabbing his chest, a look of muted shock on his face. I wanted to ask what was wrong when another crack rang out. I turned just in time to see Jack's head explode, spraying me with brain bone.

My mouth twisted into a silent scream, horrified at what had happened. I scrambled to my feet and reached out to the edge of the car to grab a piece of Jack's brains. I noticed an agent dashing toward me but I didn't care. I had what I wanted: the fragment in my hand and carefully settled Jack onto my lap. Red blood seeped out of his head and onto my suit.

"Jack," I whispered softly. "Jack, can you hear me? I love you."

The limo picked up speed, toward Parkland Hospital and by that time, Jack's head was covered in blood. Now that the cameras were not in the way, I started crying and whining for him to wake up.

An agent ran over to me. "Mrs. Kennedy," he spoke softly. "Let us help the president."

I raised my head. "Leave me alone," I snapped. "He's dead! He's dead!" I started to tussle his bloodsoaked hair and crying at the same time.

The agent however managed to calm me down and we rushed into the hospital. I glanced at the agents surrounding me and I saw the blood pouring out from Jack's head already spilling out into their clothes. I swallowed the bile rising in my throat.

We burst into trauma room one, startling a few doctors who were eating their food in there. They stared at me, the humor draining from their eyes and then looking at their dying president.

While they worked, I wandered the hallways of the hospital. Patients had started sticking their heads out, their eyes widening when they saw me. And including the blood on my suit. I felt the panic increasing. Screams and shouts were barked out by orders.

I walked back to room one. A nurse guarding the door stopped me. I was about to snap at her but the look in her eyes told me something. I stared.

"What?" I asked her.

"We need to talk, Mrs. Kennedy," she said a bit too stiffly and talking too fast. I nodded my head and wondered what was wrong other then my husband bleeding to death very slowly.

She stopped me in front of a large room. She shut and locked the door behind me. My heart started to pound loudly.

"Your husband..." She spoke in low voice. "...has suffered a lot of brain damage."

My chest tightened and I thought of Caroline and John-John who were having a lot of fun, not watching the bloody news that has just happened.

"We can however," she grinned trying to show no fear. It wasn't working. "Fix his head with a device that will keep him alive but he might not even remember you or the children..." She wiped her eyes, as if she wanted to cry.

I imagined a Jack that wouldn't remember who I was. Or the children. My eyes watered up but I brushed the tears away fast. But the mere thought of Caroline and John-John suffering like this, brought me to tears.

"Or", she said, her voice becoming more lower by the second. I had to lean in to hear her what she was saying. "We can put him in a coma."

What? A deep ache spread through my body and I felt my jaw drop. I hid my shock and asked coolly, "How long?"

"Half a century," she replied. "By the damage he's taken, he won't recover until..." She trailed off. "...2014..."

I thought of Caroline and John-John again, my ache only increasing. Two innocent children growing up without a father to guide them.

But then I imagined a more mature Caroline and John-John laughing and playing with their thought to be dead father.

"All right," I said as firmly as I could. "Do it."

The nurse smiled in relief and left the room, making me wonder what in the world had I gotten myself into.


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