John F. Kennedy: An Unfinished Life: Ch. 14

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Chapter 14

Location: Parkland Hospital

Character: John F. Kennedy

Day: November 21, 2013

Time: 8:12 am

John's hands were tied behind his back as the Fury soldiers led him outside. Most of the crowd had fled in pure panic, and at least 1/3 of the crowd had been shot or captured in the midist of the confusion.

Caroline was beside him. Her mascara was streaked over her face. She'd been sweating a lot for the past minutes. She had never met Fury, she had told him, just met her on a video telegram.

He hadn't either but when the soldiers took a turn, he noticed a young woman with tan skin, pale blue-green eyes, and razor teeth on her lips, John thought she was a bit dangerous. Why hadn't the United States killed her earlier? They knew she would be a thorn in their side but they must have thought differently.

Fury looked up as they approached. Her eyes went wide when she noticed John. Afraid? He asked her silently but she hide her fear by smiling.

"John F. Kennedy," she spat the name out as if it were toxic poison. "We meet at last."

A tingle ran up his spine. She hated him.

Fury continued, her smile growing wider by the second. "I think the press was right. You are handsome."

John's muscles tightened. He stared at her.

Fury grinned. Her grin was sick and twisted. "I wonder if Jackie ever had sex with you."

Caroline tensed beside him. She scowled. "Shut up, brat. Father never-"

A boot to the chest cut Caroline off. Fury watched with cold amusement in her eyes.

"No one asked you to speak, old lady," Fury snarled. "I would shut up before I hit you harder this time."

John looked at Caroline. Her cheeks were red. Her eyes streaming with pure anger. Her father's anger, he noticed.

The snarl had faded from Fury's eyes. She smirked again more confident. "Now, I was thinking about breaking you guys first but..." She tapped her fingernails agianst the desk, grinning evilly. "...why bother? You two are already broken. Your wife is dead. Your mother is dead. Your son is dead. And your brother is dead." She indicated a plane crashing into the sea.

John felt a lump form in his throat. Jackie's face filled his eyes. Her dark eyes stared back at him.

Fury was gauging his reaction. She smiled, her smile growing as she saw the lump form in his throat.

His eyes watered for a moment at the thought of John-John. The little boy that had played under his desk so much.

"Go ahead," Fury taunted him. "Cry. I've actually never seen you cry, Mr. President."

"Shut up," he whispered to no one, in particular.

"I'm sorry," Fury said, her smile growing uglier by the second. "But what did you say, Jack?"

"I said," John's voice grew darker and deeper. The people and soldiers standing in front and behind them stared as they saw the anger pouring into his eyes. "SHUT UP! NO ONE TALKS ABOUT MY FAMILY LIKE THAT!!!!"

Fury's grin got wider. John wanted to smack the smile off her damned, ugly face. She laughed, a careless, ignorant laugh.

"Take them away," she told a soldier standing next to her. "I'll make them suffer like their anestsors did."

John noticed something in her eyes. She was crazy. The way her eyes shined. Crazy. A sadistic murder. She had been twisted by her own beliefs.

The soldiers grabbed them, twisting John's hands so bad he almost gasped at the pain that went through him. Fury smiled and waved.

"You know what, President Kennedy?" She asked him, her eyes shining with sadism. "I'll finish the job for you. The assassins in 1963 failed but I won't. I'll kill you until all the life and blood drains and pours from you. A slow, painful death at the most."

The crazed look in her eyes retuned and she laughed, a dark laugh that acutally sent chills up John's spine.

Location: Dallas Texas

Character: Jean Kennedy

Day: November 21, 2013

Time: 11:41 am

"Come on."

Jean Kennedy held the gun in her pocket, her breath going cold every two seconds. Beside her were a few Secret Service agents and Barack Obama.

"Where are we going?" Obama wanted to know but Jean ignored him. She watched as a few Fury soldiers marched ten feet away from them. They were armed. Of course they were. Salvage jerks. "Why are we in Dallas?"

"Mr. President," she murmured under her breath. "Be quiet. You'll find out soon enough."

She aimed her gun at the leading soldier. They had no idea who was about to shoot. She fired, killing the soldier quickly and pushing her allies against the rocks so the soldiers wouldn't see them.

"What the-hell was that?" The young soldier at the front screamed. He was cut off by an explosion of bullets firing at him. And a loud scream followed by a spray of blood.

Jean clipped her gun. Two more, just two more.

She fired again. Her bullet hit the soldier's throat. He screamed and fell to the floor. She fired again and the bullet his head. His brain exploded into blood and brains. Jean winced remembering her brother Jack as his head exploded.

The last soldier must have realized it was every man for himself. Jean swore softly but foully, and she snapped her head back at the agnets and president. "Ten of you come with me. The rest of the eight stay with the president."

Jean took off. The secret service agents, ten of them, chased after her. She followed the soldier who was screaming at the top of his lungs.

One of the agents fired quickly and the soldier slumped to the side, blood pouring from his side. Jean kicked him aside and screeched at the top of her lungs.

"Run, Fury, run!"

The agents cheered beside her, thisty for rebel blood. She charged recklessly, killing any Fury soldiers that came into her path.

When they emerged into Parkland hospital, Jean saw something. Six soldiers had grabbed a familiar young woman and a weird old man toward some cells.



I finally posted something from Jean's Pov 😉

She'll meet her thought to be dead brother in the next chapter yay 😍

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