John F. Kennedy: An Unfinished Life Ch. 4 ❤️

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Location: Parkland Hospitial

Character: John F. Kennedy 😱

Day: November 20, 2013

Time: 7:12 am

Jack Kennedy writhed around in his sleep.

His dreams were filled with nightmares of the past and of the future too. He dreamed of Caroline standing in front of him, a shocked but angry look on her face. Her eyes shined with beteryal and sadness.

"Why did you lie to me?" She asked him, her voice soft but still full of some anger.

"What?" He shook his head. "Caroline, Buttons, I-"

"Shut up!" she yelled at him. Her eyes were blazing with anger. "You lied to me! You left me, Father! You..." She broke down, and knelt, sobbing into her palms.

Jack approached her and titled her head up. She stared up at him, the fear and anger retuning to her face. He replied soflty, "I'm here now, Caroline. You don't have to cry."

He expected her to start screaming at him again but she didn't. Instead she sobbed into his shoulder.

Jack touched her back. He could feel hard muscle under her shirt. She relaxed under his touch.

"Daddy," she murmured until in his ear. Her breath was minty and it sent chills down his body.

"They're gone," she continued. "Uncle Bobby, Uncle Ted, John-John, Mother..."

A hard lump formed in Jack's throat. He swallowed the agnoy piercing his chest.

"I still have you," he muttered in her ear. "I still have you."

She smirked up at him but then a flash of light blinded Jack. He opened his eyes and saw a nurse standing there, holding a tray in her hands. His mouth watered at the smell of the pancakes.

"Good morning," she said quietly, walking over to him. "Did you sleep well?"

Jack eyed her nervously. She seemed frantic around him like she wanted to get away. "Who are you?" he asked her.

She gave a wry smile. "I've never met such a curious president before." She sighed before stretching her hand. "Maria Walker."

Jack fought back the blush. He nodded. "I'm-"

"Everyone knows who you are," she cut him off. "You're famous, king of Camelot."

Jack sat up. His whole body shrieked with protest but he ignored it. Maria set the tray in front of him. His mouth watered with salvia and his stomach growled.

She poured syrup onto his plate. She nodded toward the sink. "Tell me if you need help getting there when you're done." She saw the panicked look on his face and added, "Everyone knows about your back pain so don't bother hiding it."

Jack pushed away the panic. "When will I leave this place?"

She laughed, a dry laugh. "I dont know. Maybe when people get used to seeing someone thought dead walking on the street."

Jack grinned. "That's not funny."

She shrugged. "You smiled at it, Mr. President. Maybe it is funny."

Maria left.

Jack ate his food in peace and quiet. Usually he was used to have one of his advisors with him but he supposed that they were all dead. Old age, he thought grimly.

He peered out the window. The shades were drawn and he peeked by just softly so people outside wouldn't notice him. Cars streaked across the street, shrieking loudly and the scent of oil filled his nose. He breathed through his mouth.

Maria's words haunted him.

"They know your weakness. You can't hide it from them."

Jack placed his palm on the window. He thought of Jackie, whose face filled his eyes. She was smiling, her eyes full of light.

A tear rolled out of his eye, wet and salty. He wiped it away but the damage was done.

He was alone.

Location: Dallas Texas

Character: Rose

Day: November 20, 2013

Time: 8:02 am

I lifted my sore arms from the plane chair I'd been sitting on. My entire body was sore. My legs had fallen asleep, and my eyelids were dropping.

I glanced with tired eyes at Tataina, who was surprisingly full of energy. She grinned, her smile broad and her eyes full of excitement.

What's the point? I thought, rolling my eyes. I don't see why they had to drag me all the way to Dallas without Mother.

Next to Tataina, John was stretching his legs out and yawning quietly. He stretched for a moment before grabbing their bags and using his muscle to carry them.

The Dallas streets were packed with people. Though when the Schlossberg children came rounding the street, people moved out of the way, murmuring and shooting us weird looks. Some looks were curiousty

but a few burned with hatred.

It was mostly the old people who looked at them with hatred, I noticed. They stared, eyes narrowed, lips pulled back into a human snarl. And their hands were raising out to give Tatiana, John, and I the middle finger.

"Idiots," John mumbled when he noticed me tense. "Ignore them. They're not worth your time."

I mumbled an agreement and made a face at an old man who spit at me, his eyes shining with deep hatred. I followed Tatiana and John towards the "X" in the road, my throat burning off like a sore scab.

Tataina had a pair of flowers in her hands. She placed them on the ground near the "remember JFK" sign and she tipped her head up toward the sky. I glanced up and saw the clouds were covering the sun, turning the area dark.

"We need to go," she said softly. "Before they cuss at us." She grabbed my arm roughly, her grip making my hand throb.

The Dallas crowd had stopped muttering and shouting at us, they parted out of the way. I thought they were making room for us but then my heart sank as I saw a two young men walking toward us, a malicious expression on both of their faces. Tataina stiffened beside me.

"That's odd," she said, titling her head. "Who are they? What do you they want?"

Her voice was shaking and full of fear. I didn't understand. Tatiana was never afraid but I saw the men walking closet, their eyes shining with hatred.

Kennedy haters, the gentle voice at the back of my mind said. They hate your family. They want to see you suffer.

John stepped in front. "What do you want?"

The man who had pale green eyes and was wearing a lint balled jacket sneered. "Oh, look. A curious Kennedy. We can't have that, can we, Brother?"

The other laughed. "No, we, Scourge."

My blood ran cold. What did they want?

The man smiled coldly. "Come with us and you won't get hurt."

John barked a laugh. "And if we don't?"

The man with green eyes snapped open a knife. My eyes widened in terror.

They weren't here for dislike. They were here to kill us.


Uh-oh! 😕


They're in big trouble now! 😬


Sorry I haven't been posting I have school and all that stuff that keeps getting into my life.


I get out of school on June 6th so if I haven't finished this story yet I'll be able to post more yay 😊


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