John F. Kennedy: An Unfinished Life: Ch. 15

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Chapter 15

Location: Parkland Hospital

Character: Caroline Kennedy

Day: November 21, 2013

Time: 11:58 am

I was being herded away toward the prison compound when I heard the sound of running feet, streaking across the grass. One shouted and my blood ran cold. No one could mistake that shout.


I turned around but the guard next to me didn't let me until there was the crack of a bullet. The guard slumped to the floor, blood pouring from his mouth.

The other soldier screamed a harsh order before firing at one of the agent's heads. The shot missed and hit the bricks behind him. One bullet clipped the soldier's head and he collapsed, falling to the floor and screaming as his shirt began to stain with a huge red stain.

Jean Kennedy ran/staggered toward me. Her eyes widened when she saw the cuffs on my wrists and she winced. "Hold on." She pulled some razor sharp scissors from her pockets. She snapped the cuffs open and I breathed a sigh of relief as I rubbed my aching wrists.

Jean stood up. She stared at Father. "Stranger..."

Father cut her off. "Jack. Call me Jack."

Jean frowned. "Sure, Jack." She smiled again, showing crooked teeth. "I'm Jean. Jean Kennedy."

I noticed Father jerk back as if he'd been slapped. He stared at Jean. "But that's not possible."

Jean furrowed her eyebrows and pinched her lips. "What's not possible?"

"That you're her," Father replied. His voice was quiet. Not low but just quiet. "I thought you died of old age."

Jean stared. Her gaze was sharp and hard. "You better start talking some sense," she snapped. "Who are you?"

Father laughed. His laugh was the same, I realized. Charming and still capable of doing the campaigning. "How could you not remember me..." He paused for a moment, his eyes glittering like stars. "...sister...?"

Location: Parkland Hospitial

Character: Fury

Day: November 21, 2013

Time: 12:04 pm

"What do you mean they escaped?"

Fury could show temper. And this was her temper.

The soldier with the ripped arm and soaked bloodied shirt trembled before replying, "A woman came out of nowhere. She was graying. She was old. She killed the rest of our squad."

"You're afriad of an old lady, soldier?" She sneered. "Coward. You're a coward. I should kill you where you stand."

The soldier trembled a bit but replied,"She had a gun."

Fury smacked her palm on the table. "Coward. I should kill you." She reached for a gun in her pocket and placed it on his hand. He froze, his lips parting.

"My Lady," he spoke, his voice low and soft. "She had a gun. She could have-"

Fury snapped, losing her temper. "I don't care if she had a gun! Kill her! Blow her head off! I want to see the Kenendy clan suffer like they should have been 50 years ago!"

It was silent. The soldier was biting the inside of his cheek. "We don't know if she's a Kennedy."

Fury laughed, her laugh cold. "Make no mistake, she is a Kennedy. Her name is..." She paused, a grin spreading on her face. "...Jean Kennedy."

The soldiers were quiet. She stared again, hatred showing on her face. She snapped, "Kill her. Find her! Once we find her, we kill Caroline. Then President Kennedy. The diffrence is..." She smiled with crooked teeth. "...we kill him...slowly...and painfully so he can see and feel how much he made me suffer."

A soldier raised her hand. "I have a question."

Fury hid her anger. "What is it?"

"Why don't we..." The soldier began, her eyes shining. "...make him suffer by him becoming our slave?"

Murmurs arose through the crowd of soldiers and Fury thought she was making some sense. John F. Kennedy was very attractive. He had the muscle, looks, and ways of charming people.

"Fine," she agreed. "Find Jean. Kill her when you find her. Then kill Caroline. If that doesn't work, John F. Kennedy will be so distraught over his sister's death that he'll turn on Caroline. She'll have no choice but to kill him or die. Either way, she is a broken woman."

The soldiers spread out, maliciously spreading out eager to kill for thirst blood. Fury watched them for a second, smiling with anticipation.

This is the best part of any story, she thought, smiling giddly and smugly. The end.

The moon set off in the distance

and Fury waited for her attack.


End of book one


I bet no one saw that coming! 😉


Don't worry I'm working on the next book as we speak! 📖


Don't pressure me though I only have two weeks of school left before summer break 😊❤️✌️

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