Day One with being with Sabertooth

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*In the woods *

Team Natsu were trying to find Lucy so then after thirty minutes they found her on the edge of the cliff.

Natsu- Lucy don't jump. We know you and Milliania had something, but you don't have to kill yourself for that big rejection.

Lucy- Do you think I would do something that stupid because I turned her down?

Gray- Not really. We all know you can survive the fall but we are just wondering if your ok.

Natsu- Yeah I didn't mean to remind you of your rejection towards her.

Lucy- Its ok Natsu I'm over it.

Erza- How about this, when we go to Mermaid Heel next we can go.

Lucy- Sure.

Gray- And you know good and well you wanna go.

Natsu- She knows she just don't want to admit it.

Erza- You guys want to go on a mission today?

Lucy- I have been waiting for somebody to ask that.

Natsu- Well your Lucy Erza asked.

They all walked back and came in. Sting runs up to them.

Sting- Hey did y'all solve the problem?
Natsu- Don't worry we got everything under control.
Gray- Hey we were all planning on going on a mission.
Sting- You wouldn't mind if we tagged along?
Erza- No in fact we should all split up and go into our groups.
Minerva- Good idea.
Lucy- You know I haven't heard from Freed, Rogue ,or Rufus today.
Sting- Your right.
Rogue - We were right here.
Lucy- I could here y'all but I thought that was just somebody else. I think I need to note that your the quietest.
Rogue- Really.
Lucy- Yes really I mean it is a true fact.
Rogue- Some how I don't see you as a nice person.
Lucy- And some how I don't see you as a mature person.
Lucy- No your not. If you were mature you would be looking like Freed and Rufus. Even though they are matching.

Rogue- Name something I didn't do mature.
Lucy- Okay I will be glad to. Last week you yelled at a little girl, got up in peoples faces, hit somebody, oh and you touched a lady. I want explain what you did but I know.
Rogue- Ok name the people.
Lucy- Do you really want me to go there?
Rogue- Go ahead.

Lucy- You yelled at Wendy, you got up in Gajeel's face, you shocked Ichiya which I really don't care about because I know what her did to make you do that, and you touched Yukino which caused Sting to punch you.

Sting- How do you know about that?

Yukino- Yeah how do you know about that?

Lucy- I can hear y'all. This all happened last week. And I know y'all were following Frosh, and your welcome because that little cat wasn't going to find his way home unless somebody guided him.

Rogue- So are you saying my little Frosh is dumb?

Lucy- I wouldn't say dumb I would say confused. I am really not the kind of person to say mean things unless necessary.

Frosh- Frosh forgot to thank Werewolf for giving me advice to get to Sabertooth. Thank you.

Lucy- You welcome little one.

Laxus- No wonder you took so long.

Wendy- What do you mean?

Laxus - I mean like I told her to go to Corcus and eat a lot of fruit and vegetables and it took her an hour.

Sting- Wait that was you? Somebody said that it was a wolf that came from the woods and it just started running toward the fruit and vegetable carton. And they kept saying it ate a lot then everybody was about to call animal control.

Lector- Yeah and they shut down the vest carton because the man said it came and ripped up all the vest.

Lucy - My bad I think its because there were some berries .

Simon- You know good and well your not supposed to be eating berries.

Lucy- And I think I ate some bloody meat as well.

Gray- Really?

Lucy- Yes. Would you rather me hurt somebody or rip some clothes up just to control myself.

Erza- Clothes.

Sting- You know for a guild you all do too much.

Natsu- Don't worry we know.

Gray- So y'all still want to go on a mission?

Erza- Yes. Where is y'all mission board?

Yukino- Over there.

Erza- Y'all have a big one.

Sting- But on one condition.

Natsu- What?

Sting- We come with you.

Lucy - Ok but we have to go in groups because there can't be more than five.

Sting- Sure. Will just go into the groups we picked. But we have to leave tomorrow.

Minerva- Hey Lucy how about one more battle?

Lucy- No.

Minerva- You scared?

Lucy- No your just going to waste my time.

Thank you for reading 📖 this chapter readers.

Readers I know you want read this part of the chapter but if you would like me to add something in it please send a comment. Thank you.

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