S-Class trials

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Gramps hops up on stage.

Gramps- Listen up brats.

The whole guild comes up and listens .

Gramps- I am picking the wizards for this trail.
The wizards are:
And Elfman.

Gramps - You have three days to prepare for this trial NOW GO.

(Three Days has passed)

Natsu and Happy
Wendy and Carla
Gray and Loke (Loke still lives)
Cana and Laki
Levy and Gajeel
Lucy and Simon
Juvia and Lisanna
Freed and Bislow
Elfman and Evergreen.

*On the boat*

Gramps- So how ya feeling?


Gramps- Ok we have four S-Class wizards and they are Erza, Mirajane, Laxus, and Gildarts.
There are eight tunnels and they lead to certain places. Four leave you against each other, one lead you to the Serenity and you get to pass there and the others lead you to the S-Class wizards . NOW READY, SET, GO.

Everybody goes,but Freed locked them up for five minutes giving him and Bislow a five minute head start.

(After five minutes)

Levy- Finally.

Natsu- Ok Happy let's go.
Happy- Aye.

Wendy- Carla ready?
Carla - Like always.

Lucy- Ready Simon?
Simon- Ready when you are .

The three Dragon Slayers take off .

Levy and Gajeel were about to take off ,but Lily was with them.

Gramps- Okay Lily I know you are a third person in there group, but you can't go with them you have to stay with me.

After that Gajeel and Levy had took off

Juvia and Lisanna
Elfman and Evergreen
Cana and Laki
And Gray and Loke.

(At the tunnels)

Lucy- Which one should we go through?
Simon- You can just use your nose to sniff out who is in there.
Lucy- Good idea . Let's go through tunnel C.
Simon- Who do you smell?
Lucy- I don't really pay attention to people's scent.
Natsu ,Happy,Wendy, and Carla then arrive.

Natsu- How did y'all get here so fast ? Happy has maximum speed.

Lucy- Simon doesn't have maximum speed , but she do have battle form. And plus we didn't use maximum speed we just took a short cut.

Happy- No wonder.

Wendy- I don't know which tunnel to choose.

Lucy- Well I'm taking C.

Natsu- I'm taking E because it stands for Erza.

Lucy- You know that doesn't mean she could actually be in E?

Natsu- Nope just taking it.

Wendy - I'm taking F.

Lucy- Well good luck. Somehow this person is quite,but I can still her them.

Natsu- Might be Guildarts or probably Mirajane.

Lucy- Well either way. Well I will be going. Come on Simon.

Lucy runs in tunnel C and it blocks (meaning somebody has already pass through.) . Natsu and Wendy go through the tunnels they picked.

Lucy- Oh my gosh there smell is horrible.
Simon- Who's smell?
Lucy- Smells like clone. Its a dude.
Simon- Or it could be one of Mira's perfume she put on.
Lucy- No if it was her scent then I wouldn't had said it was horrible.
Simon- Then who is it?
Lucy- It's either Elfman, Freed, Gajeel, Bislow , or Loke . But its like I smelt it before I just can't tell who it is.
Simon- I bet you 100j if it's Loke or either one of them. I'll give you extra if is Loke.
Lucy- Deal.
Simon- Ok I think I am starting to smell it. It smells like strawberries 🍓.
Lucy- That's the snack you brought with you.
Lucy- I can't believe that Gramps forbidden me to use Dragon Force.
Simon- I can.
Lucy- How?
Simon- One ,you kill people every time your in that form, Two, Even the Magic Console had forbidden you to use that form until you can control your emotions and Three, Even people in the guild said the same thing and I agreed.
You can only use it when necessary.
Lucy- I have been feeling worried lately.
Simon- What do you mean?
Lucy- I mean I have been having strange affects on my body.
Simon - Growing hair. Well let me explain you see your a wolf slayer and wolf slayer ha- .
Lucy- It's not that. I feel like I am glowing and something will appear in my hands.
Simon- Probably its your new take over magic. Mira said you had a hidden one that you never learned or knew about.

Lucy- Well I wonder how it works.
Simon- Wonder what it would be.

Lucy and Simon arrive where they would meet there opponent(s).

Lucy- No.
Simon- Not him.

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