Chapter 1 - Insecurities

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(Michelle Pov)

I met you in the dark
You lit me up
You made me feel as though
I was enough
We danced the night away
We drank too much
I held you hair back when
You were throwing up
When you look over your shoulder

Life sometimes has you wrapped up in a cycle that seems to never end. No matter how bad the actual cycle is, you just want to get out and start something new, but you keep ending up exactly where you started at.

That's how I felt when I hit the snooze button on my phone to turn off my alarm for the cycle that I honestly can't wait to over with... school.

Opening my eyes to look around this sanctuary I call my room. I wish I never had to leave my bed.

"Keep fighting to live another day"

"Love, laugh, and love"


mantras were scattered around my cream colored walls to remind me that no matter how down I might feel, there is some hope still left in this world for me.

Or at least that what I was telling myself.

"Honey I hope your up. You don't want to be late on your first day of your senior year." My mom poked her head in and said before gently shutting the door.

I rolled over and fell on my floor which was the only way I would get out of the bed.

Since it's the beginning of the year, I am going to try and put some effort into my outfit even though I know someone will try and tear me down.

I quickly handled my business in the bathroom, fully dressed and assessed myself in the full-length body mirror on my door.

My hair was in its natural wash n go. My black coils bounced all over my head, I should really start rocking my Afro to school more often. My plain brown eyes, didn't look too sad this morning but the day in hell hasn't started yet. I just rocked a plain black v-neck t -shirt and a pair of blue denim jeans with small rips in them. I throw on my black and white chucks to finish off the outfit and grabbed my black bomber jacket to finish off the look.

"Good morning mom, this looks yummy. I only have a few minutes to eat before I catch the school bus." Kissing her on the cheek, I shoved my breakfast down my throat and finished it off with some orange juice.

"Have a great day baby" I heard her say before I ran out the door.


Walking down the halls of our Edison High, I just wanted to blend in and get through the day without any disruptions.

"Here's your schedule honey, and welcome back" the secretary smiled at me and for the first time today I felt like today might go well.

I started walking and looked back for a second to give her one last smile then bumped into this brick wall and fell right on my back.

"I'm sorry... are you ok I didn't see you there." A deep raspy voice said bringing me out of my stupor.

"Yeah my bad.. I wasn't watching where I was going." I admitted reaching out for the hand that was trying to help me up.  I looked up a moss green eyes stared right back at me..stealing my breath

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