Chapter 10 - Getting To Know Each Other

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Justin pulled her over to the bed and laid down with her head on his chest, then he went into detail about his life since he realized that they didn't know each other that well.

"My full name is Justin Alexander Smith, I am 18 years old and my birthday is on May 24, 1995. I have an older brother name Aaron Jr who is 24 years old but he moved across the country when my parents got a divorce. We use to be rich since my father Aaron Senior was the CEO of this big oil company but when he cheated on my mom I exposed him to the press and he lose everything. My mom moved to a smaller apartment since it's just the two of us now. She is the most important person in my life, she is the only family I have left. My favorite color is green , my favorite food is about anything I'm a growing man so I'm not picky with what I eat. I hate liars so whatever you do don't ever lie to me even if you think the truth will hurt. I've had ex-girlfriends but none of them stuck around they were using me for my money and when I become middle-class they were out of the picture. I don't really have a certain type of girl I want, I just like who I like. People think just because I'm white I have to act white I believe that I'm a black boy in a white body. I have a job at the Willow Grove mall, and I'm from Philadelphia the northeast area. "

Michelle just absorbed all of that and she felt like she knew him all her life , the way his green eyes lit up when he talked about his mom was so beautiful she didn't realize she was staring at him until his deep smooth chuckle snapped her out of her daze.

"Why are you staring at me so hard baby? "He asked with an amused smile

"Your eyes are so beautiful "she whispered with blushing cheeks

Michelle went to tell him about her, but not everything because he wouldn't like her once he found out how much of a monster she is.

"My name is Michelle Desiree Carter, I am an only child since my younger sister and dad died in a car accident years ago. My mother is the only one I have except some cousins on my dad's side of the family but I don't see them much because they live down south in Florida. I lived in Philadelphia all my life when my dad moved from Florida and met my mom in Temple University it was love at first site. After my dad and sister died my mom has been over protective of me , I don't have many friends anymore once I got older my friends use to be embarrassed to be seen with me so they all left now it's just me. I've had previous boyfriends but they always use to put me down and lower my self-esteem so now I have trust issues. My favorite color is pink, I love barbecue chicken. I am a Christian religion is very important to me and I love to dance. I want to become a professional dancer and open up my own dance studio. "

That's all Michelle shared with Justin before he had to go home and he invited her over for dinner tonight at his house to meet his mother.

Michelle went into the walk-in closet and picked out a royal blue pencil skirt, a loose fitted ¾ sleeve shirt, black flowered fish net stocking and black flats. She curled her straight hair making soft bouncy curls and she put on some clear lip gloss, mascara and black liner cat eye. She didn't want to go over the top so she pulled out her leather black jacket and left out the house, texting her mom to let her know she was going over to Justin's house for dinner.

She texted Justin for the directions and realized he only lived around the corner from her since she lived on 17th St and he lived near her middle school Wagner on Gratz St. Finally arriving to Justin's house at exactly 7:00 o'clock on the dock she rang the doorbell with a nervous facial expression and butterflies swimming in her tummy. The door swung open with a woman sitting on the other side, she looked about 5'6, around 40 years old, emerald green eyes, and blonde curls running down her back. She wore an apron with food stains on it and a bright smile.

"Hi, I'm Michelle "Michelle said in a nervous shaky voice

"Hey I'm Shelby Smith, you're the young lady that stole my son's heart come on in" His mother said inviting her in

Michelle walked into the apartment and it was plain white walls with black and white painting of famous women of all colors on the walls. The dining room table was packed with barbecue chicken , collard greens, baked mac n cheese and biscuits with butter glistening in the inside of them. Everything looked so yummy Michelle couldn't wait to eat.

"Sweetie, can you please go get my son and wash up for dinner" Shelby said with a smile

Michelle went down the hall to Justin's room and her breathe got caught in her throat at the site she saw. Justin was shirtless with light blue jeans hanging dangerously low, the trail from his 6 pack of abs leading down to that perfect V. Michelle was in her daze she didn't notice Justin walking up to her still without a shirt on. His lips pressed to her in a sweet long gentle kiss his arms around her waist pulling her into him. She had her arms around his neck deepening the kiss by sucking gently on his tongue. His groans and moans just turned each other more, Michelle remembered the reason why she came to get his and pushed him away trying to catch her breath.

"Your mom said it is time for dinner" Michelle said in lustful voice

"Okay give me another kiss and we can go "he said trapping her against the wall which seems to be his favorite position.

"You look beautiful baby, you're teasing me with this outfit" He breathed in her ear nibbling on her earlobe

They kissed and headed back into the dining room to eat dinner. Shelby said grace and everyone dug in.

"So Michelle my son tells me that you are very special to him and I just want to know if you return his affection" Shelby said with a serious expression on her pretty face.

Michelle glanced over to Justin to see him blushing while staring down at his plate.

"Yes ma'am I really care about your son so you don't have to worry about anything happening to him" Michelle said with a small smile.

Justin's head popped up at her words and he reached over to her hand waiting for her to grab his and return his public affection in front his mom. Michelle just stared at his hand and then with a nervous smile laced their fingers together. Justin was so happy he just smiled and continued to eat his dinner. Shelby like what she saw and decided that she liked this girl because she makes her son happy and that's all that matters. Michelle mom came to pick her up and Michelle promised to see Justin tomorrow in school.

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