Chapter 20 - Date Night

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When Michelle opened the door she hear three different gasps, Justin was staring intensely at her like always. Kevin was staring at Jessica with a goofy grin on his face, while she was smiling with blushing cheek the color of roses.

Michelle was the first one to break the silence seeing that no one else would. "Well you guys look handsome, don't you agree Jessica?" Michelle asked Jessica with a teasing grin since she wouldn't stop staring at Kevin since he arrived but it seems like he was doing the same.

"Yeah you guys look great, I am hungry so let's go." Jessica was out of her shocked daze, she was ready to go eat.

She walked past everyone, she was tired of the staring contest they all were having. Kevin just shook his head and walked to let her in the car. Kevin drove his own car, he wanted some alone time with her before they got to the restaurant.

Michelle locked up her house and was about to walk to the car before she was pushed into the front door.

"Now where do you think you're going?" Justin questioned.

"Uhhh to the car, where else would I be going?" Michelle said back, she was confused by his question.

"You're not going anywhere until you greet me properly." Justin demanded by pressing his body in hers.

Michelle was still confused until it dawned on her that she didn't give him a hug or a kiss. Michelle looked up into his green eyes, they reminded her of a forest surrounded by trees. They were so beautiful, she pressed her lips against his and slowly glided her lips against his just enough to tease him. Justin picked her up and wrapped her legs around his waist. Michelle parted his lips with her tongue, tasting every inch of his mouth. Justin pulled away to lightly kiss across her jaw and nibble on her neck. He sucked lightly and grounded his hips into hers, the moan he was waiting to hear came out low and seductive in his ear. He pulled away completely before things got out of hand on her front steps.

"Now that is how you greet your boyfriend, now let's go eat dinner." Justin said while grabbing her hand and intertwining their fingers.

Michelle just looked down at their hand and smiled, her feelings for Justin were getting stronger with each passing day.

Once they got in Justin's car, they sped off into the night.

Michelle wanted to know where they were going, but all Justin kept saying was that it was a surprise. She loved surprises but she just didn't have the patience for them.

Michelle dosed off because first she was tired of being in the car and two the low jazz music that was playing in the car made her sleepy state worst.

Justin just looked over at her and smiled, he still couldn't believe that he was so lucky to find a woman like her.

Kevin was so happy right now, but he had to admit to himself that he was nervous. He didn't want things to get boring on that date he decided that, he wanted to get to know Jessica more. He felt like she was holding secrets from him, he didn't have a hard past. He had a feeling that she did though and he was going to find out exactly what it is.

Pulling up into the parking lot of Ms. Tootsies, Michelle was asleep when Justin went to wake her up he stopped because she looked so peaceful. He turned off the car, opened up the car door and picked Michelle up holding her in his arms. Kevin and Jessica just pulled up in the parking lot and it looked like Jessica was sleep too, since Kevin had her in his arms.

Walking into the restaurant door, an elderly couple opened the door for them looking at them in awe.

"Awe Carl look at the young love, I remember our younger days." An older woman said looking at her husband, reminiscing on their newly wed years.

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