Chapter 2 - Troubles

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Justin had one thing on his mind when he woke up this morning and it was that his mother should be knocked out on the couch. She was a nurse, she often worked overnight because bills have been piling up. "She refused to let me help, but I was going to find a way to help her out without her knowing." Justin thought to himself.

Justin life has been troubled for a couple of years, but he decided not to let life get him down. He wasn't a quitter and he wasn't going to start being one now that life started throwing curve balls his way.

Justin had golden tan skin, as if he was from California. Blonde hair which was cut and no longer than 3 inches. Thick eyebrows, and full pink lips and his green eyes looked dull and lifeless, they use to sparkle but he hasn't found anything to be happy about in a long time. His has broad shoulders and a defined six pack. His attire consisted of some black jeans, black and white sneakers, white t-shirt and his infamous black leather jacket. That was his signature outfit, he didn't find the need to impress anyone.

He walked down the steps to see his mother on the couch in a deep slumber, he picked her up and carried her upstairs to her room. Took off her shoes and took out her ballerina tight bun and ran his fingers through her hair. He loved his mother dearly and would do anything for her, since it was only them two now, and all they had were each other.

He kissed her on forehead whispered,"I love you," and went on his way to school. When he got to school he saw his best friend who more like a brother.

Kevin was the exact opposite of Justin, he had black hair, hazel brown eyes and a dazzling smile that seemed to always drawl the women in. He put the play in player but what no one know is that, this was not the lifestyle Kevin wanted for himself. He wanted to settle down with the right women but she hasn't come his way yet. Kevin was a reality version of Derek from teen wolf, he was easy on the eyes and hard to resist. Kevin and Justin were like day and night that is why their friendship is so strong.

"Hey man, ready to get started on our last year?" Kevin asked when he walked up to Justin.

"Yeah, let's get this over with." Justin said with a tired smile, instantly Kevin knew it was Justin's mom bothering him. They have been best friends since diaper days.

They parted ways when they got to the office, Kevin had to get his schedule situated. Justin was too stuck in his thoughts that he didn't notice he was walking into someone until they fell to the floor.

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