Chapter 21 - Heaven

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  Michelle woke up with the sun shining on her face, she wanted to spend sometime with Shantyl since they haven't spent much time together.

She went downstairs to find her mother sitting at the table daydreaming with a love-struck face expression, Michelle was wondering why her mother seemed in love when she knew she could never love anyone like she used to love him. She just shook those feelings away and went to talk with her mom.

"Hey mom do you want to have a girls spa day and go out to eat?" Michelle asked Shantyl, she missed hanging with her mom.

Shantyl got pulled out of her thoughts when she heard Michelle talking to her, she wanted to talk to her about some important things.

"Yes, let's go out so we can fill each other on what's been going on in our lives." Shantyl agreed to with a smile.

Michelle just nodded and went upstairs to change. She didn't have to get all dressed since it was just her and her mother going out. She put on some sweatpants, sneaker and tied her hair into a ponytail. On her way to the kitchen she heard her mother talking on the phone in a hushed tone.

"I am going out with my daughter and I am going to tell her about you, I hope she takes it well." Shantyl whispered

Michelle wondered who her mom was talking too, she just shrugged it off and waited for her mom in the kitchen. Shantyl walked down the steps with the same attire as Michelle, they just grinned at each other and left out the door.

Shantyl pulled up into the Spa parking lot, she was nervous and decided not to tell Michelle anything until they went out to eat.

Michelle was so excited to spend the day with her mother, she missed her they haven't spent any time together in the last month. It was almost thanksgiving and she wanted her mom to meet Justin's mom Shelby.

After their spa treatment, they went to Chili's to get something to eat. They were seated by the host and handed menus.

"Sooo, what's new we haven't talked in a long time." Shantyl asked first she didn't want to have to go first.

"Well Justin asked me to be his girlfriend at the homecoming dance, it was so perfect he asked in front of the whole school. I was so nervous but I managed to say yes, it was crazy. I really like him but sometimes I feel like he can find someone way better than me like I don't understand why he wants to be with me. He can have anyone in the world but he wanted me which I don't get, there isn't anything special about me. I also have a new best friend name Jessica, she is like my other half you know I haven't had many real friends but she doesn't care that the whole school hates me she just wants to be there for me. She is like another sister that I never had or in better words don't have anymore." Michelle said with watery eyes, she was so grateful for the new people in her life.

"I am happy that you found people who love you and I need to remember your worth. You are strong and beautiful you shouldn't let nobody tell you any different.  I have to meet this Jessica, bring her over for dinner." Shantyl said with a smile.

"Well at work I met this guy name Micheal, he is the lawyer that has been working on this case with me. He is so kind and sweet he treats me like a queen, just like your dad did. I have been so lonely and I haven't been on a date in years. I know you probably won't want to hear this but I am happy and I like this man. Your father would want me to be happy, I just know it." Shantyl said with a smile but it turned upside down when she noticed Michelle's face expression.

Michelle had tears in her eyes, she just couldn't believe her ears. She didn't want her mother to be with anybody but her father and since he wasn't there any longer that couldn't happen.

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