Chapter 19 - Feelings Revealed

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Justin rolled out of bed ready for his double date with Kevin and their women. He really cared deeply for Michelle, he was just ecstatic that she choose him when she could have picked anybody else.

When Justin glanced at the clock it read : 9:45am, he wanted everything to be perfect for his date with Michelle even though they only went on one real official date he knew she was the one for him. He had a feeling that Michelle was hiding secrets from him, if it was one thing Justin hated it was being deceived and lied to. He couldn't stand people who schemed when it was easier for them to just tell the truth. People like them reminded him of his father a person he rather not think about at all.

Justin hopped in the shower, he couldn't stop thinking about Michelle and his buddy down low hardened at the thought of her. His hand gripped his shaft firm but gently. He could just picture Michelle down on her knees, looking up at him with those cat - style shape brown eyes he loved. He knew Michelle was insecure about anything that had to do with herself but he loved everything about her even if she couldn't see it.

His hand moved up and down on his shaft, his breathe coming out in pants. His thumb rubbed over the head making him moan out in pleasure. He could just imagine Michelle deep-throating him like never before. His hand moved faster up and down, the pleasure was too much for him to handle. With his eyes close and his imagination wild, he could see Michelle licking, sucking, and bobbing her head up and down over his shaft. His moans coming out louder that he intended and before he knew it his hot seed spilled out of him. Justin haven't had sex in a long time but he knew this wouldn't satisfy him, only Michelle could do that. Justin just continued to wash his whole body, if he didn't think of his sexy girlfriend he would be fine.

Justin decided to dress up a little for this date since it was a fancy restaurant. He texted Michelle and told her to wear something nice and a little classy. He pulled out some different jackets and blazers that he had hanging up in his closet. He put on a black blazer with a white button shirt and a bow-tie. He put on some black slacks and dressy shoes. He knew he looked fancy, when he looked at the time he saw it read: 3:30pm. He called Kevin over so they could leave from his house.

He knew Kevin cared about Jessica but he wanted to talk to him before they got with the girls because he didn't know how much.

Kevin arrived and the question fired out of Justin's mouth so fast that Kevin was stunned.

"What are your intentions with Jessica?"

"How much do you really care about her?"

"When did you come out your play boyish ways?"

Kevin just breathed and grinned so big Justin didn't know if he went crazy or not. Just the thought of Jessica caused his entire day to brighten up.

"Well I really like her man when I first saw her I thought she was the most beautiful girl I ever saw. It didn't matter that she was an different color, you know I never was attracted to an African-American girl before so I didn't know to approach her and I guess my approach wasn't the one she was use to because she shot me down. I saw her the day you left school early because you concerned about Michelle because she didn't come to school. She just kept telling me no, but when we were in the café that day and those girls came up to us trying to seduce up and I defended Jessica. I noticed a chance in her, it was the first time she hugged me and I just felt tingles. I knew I could not let her slip through my hands. I was kind of jealous of your new found relationship or friendship with Michelle because I wanted that I just could never find a girl that was worth giving my all too until I met Jessica. Sooo that it and I plan on treating her right, I want the kind of relationship that my parents have." Kevin confessed to Justin and it felt good having this talk with him. Confessing his feeling out loud to him, made him certain this is what he wanted.

"Well finally you grew up and got some balls." Justin chuckled.

The boys were ready to leave out the door, and when Justin texted Michelle her and Jessica were together and ready.

Michelle and Jessica were both dressed to perfection. Michelle had on a Forever 21 bold floral bodycon dress. It was a good fit and showed off her little body. Since Michelle was a petite 5'6 height girl, she had some good legs in her black pumps. Her hair was bone-straight and make-up light.

Jessica hair was curled tight but classy.  She had on a Charlotte Russe - All White Heart Shaped Dress. It was simple but cute. Her make-up was simple just like Michelle's and her shoes were black flats, she could not walk in heels that well.

Michelle's door bell rung so they knew that the guys were at the door.

To Be Continued.....

Hey Guys,

I decided to give you guys another chapter, and I am sorry about chapter 18 it was supposed to be 10 pages but it came up as 3 pages on Wattpad and I was highly upset. I want to publish my book guys, so if you know anyone publishes books please let me know.

I will upload the next chapter on Monday,

I love you guys <3

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