Chapter 13 - New Crushes Revealed

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Michelle woke up with the brightest smile on her face, she started to remember her wonderful date with Justin last night. When she looked out the window it was raining which caused her to have flashbacks of that night.

"Daddy lets go the amusement park since mommy couldn't come with us "Akira whined she was 2 years younger than me.

"Nooo daddy you said I can choose I wanna go to the beach!" Michelle 14 year old self whined.

Michelle was a daddy's girl so she knew she could convince her dad to go where she wanted, so she let the waterworks start.

Michelle came back to the present when she saw her mother staring at her with a worried expression she didn't realize she was crying until her mother wiped a stray tear. Her mother just hugged her because she knew her daughter thought what happened was all her fault. Shantyl did not blame her daughter for what happened it was the other drivers fault but Michelle refused to believe it.

Michelle pulled back out the hug and gave her mother a watery regretful smile and decided to get ready for school. She put on Nike sweatpants and tank top with a matching sweatshirt, it was November so it was a little chilly. She put her hair in a ponytail since it was pretty long, her ponytail came to bsl (Bra strap length).

Arriving at school was a struggle she doesn't like to travel in the rain it brings up too many bad memories she just decided to push all those feelings in the back of her mind. She went to her locker to get her books for school. When she got to class Justin wasn't there yet but she did see Jessica she was smiling and laughing at whoever she was texting but when she saw Michelle her smile turned into a guilty grimace which made Michelle suspicious.

"Good morning, why did you hide your phone when I came in, who are you texting?" Michelle asked

"Uhhh no reason "Jessica stuttered

Michelle started pouting and faking tears which made Jessica give in, she read thru the messages which was cute texts from her and Kevin.

Smiling Michelle started teasing Jessica about her and Kevin texts until the loud speaker went off reporting her to the main office.

Suddenly Michelle got up because a funny feeling started at the pit of her tummy she ran to the office and she saw Justin there waiting for her which made her really start to panic he had tears in his eyes.

The principal opened up his mouth to speak all her heard was mother , accident and hospital her ears started to ring and she passed out not before feeling Justin wrap his arms around her to catch her.

Hey Guys,

Don't get mad at me I decided to let this be a short chapter but very suspenseful you guys kind of got a glance of Michelle's past. I'll update in two weeks I'm busy with work now.

Monday was the best day of my life you guys, I met my husband Trey Songz he smiled at me and called me baby and shook my hand which caused me to collapse I know your probably thinking why all of that over a handshake well it was an album signing and we could not ask him for a hug, personalize his message to us or even say anything to him but hi. Sooooooo when I asked him for a handshake and he said yeahh baby in that sexy Virginia slang then actually shook my hand was heaven and blissful. I just wanted to share that with all my Trey Angels out here on Wattpad.

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