Chapter 4 - Facing The Facts

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( Justin POV )

"Damn baby girl fucked her up, I never liked that girl anyways, she always thought she had a chance with me she was too obsessed." I said to Kevin as we sat at lunch.

"Shit that girl was hot damn I might have to get at her." he said chuckling but dead serious.

Anger suddenly soared through my whole body at the thought of him and Michelle together, yeah I finally got her name.

"No you won't she's mine! You hear me all mine!" I shouted at him right in his face

His wide eyes, dropped jaw and red cheeks made me realize that I was so loud the whole cafeteria was watching me.

"Shit man calm down okay she's all yours I got it" he said when we sat back down and everyone went back to their business.

I was calm after that explosive act

"Shit man this girl has me all fucked up and she won't even give me the time of day" I stressed to Kevin.

The bell rung signaling that it was time for my last period class.

"Alright man I'll see you after school meet me by the bike" I said

"Okay see you then" He said heading out with a girl trying to get his attention.

Walking to my class I noticed Michelle coming out of the Dean's office

"Hey beautiful are you okay?" I asked with concern that was a nasty fight.

"Yeah I'm fine just got suspended for 3 days, why do you care I don't even know you?" she shot back

"Well I think you're beautiful and I just wanted to make sure you're okay, why are you being so mean?" I said

"I'm sorry okay I'm just use to people like you ignoring me" she said

Anybody ignoring her is just plain dumb, she is sexy I thought to myself.

"Well baby you don't have to worry about that with me if you just give me the time of day" I said nervously waiting for an answer. She stood there with a blank face as I waited for her answer.

"Okay sure we can be friends if that's fine with you" she said with a small smile

I gave her my phone and we exchanged numbers I was so happy, I told her I'll text her tonight.

As I sat in my last class for the day I couldn't get her beautiful face out my mind. Before I knew it the bell rung and it was time to go. I saw Kevin waiting for me by my bike. He was coming over my house so we could play video games.

"Shit mane how do you beat me every time in Black Ops?" I complained to Kevin

"That's because I'm a beast in this game I don't even know why you bothered to try and beat the king at his own game" he gloated

"Fuck you" I laughed

I picked up my phone and noticed I had a message it was from Michelle

Hey -Michelle

Hello Beautiful Wyd :-) -Me

Nothing just explained to my mom how I got in trouble -Michelle

Did you get in trouble? -Me

No lol my mom was glad I beat her ass -Michelle

Good thing you didn't get in trouble -Me

Yeah but right now I'm doing this stupid math homework ugh I really hate math it's too hard sometimes -Michelle

"Good thing I'm have an A in math I can help her pass " I said to myself

Well, if you don't mind I can tutor you in math every day after school - Me

Uhhh I don't know if that's a good idea - Michelle

Come on, you need to pass it's our senior year I'll be happy to help - Me

Okay we can start next week - Michelle

Okay great - Me

"Man I have to get going its almost time for dinner" Kevin said

"Okay I'll see you later" I shouted back because he was already out the door

I went to my room after that, it's always so quiet in my house since my mom worked late as a Nurse. I tried to convince her to let me help with the bills but she refused. I turned on the TV and watched Martin, damn this man is dumb funny he always keeps me laughing. I put the TV on mute after that because I am about to go to sleep but I can't sleep without any light in my room it brings up too many bad memories.

Goodnight Beautiful, Sweet Dreams -Me

What Justin didn't know was that Michelle dreams were always never sweet, bad memories haunt her at night and she cannot do anything about it.

Goodnight :-) -Michelle

Before I knew it I was out like a light with a smile on my face thinking about her.

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