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"Hi there! My name is Phil."

Dan couldn't believe it. This human, this beautiful, magnificent, adorable boy; actually wanted to talk to Dan Human-interaction-isn't-my-thing Howell. How could this be happening. He put his book down and stared dumbfounded at Phil for what only seemed like a few seconds, but must have looked like days. He finally got snapped out of his trance when Phil signed... again. 

"Whats your name."

Dan felt like an idiot when he realized how long he was just sitting there staring at Phil. He must have come of as such a freak. This was his one chance to finally make a friend and he almost just blew it. Thankfully he actually responded this time. 

"Hi, my name is Dan"

This day just keeps getting better and better, Dan thought to himself; because as soon as he signed back to Phil, he replied with a big grin and Dan gave the same stupid grin back, while looking down at the closed book in his hands. When he looked back up with Phil was when he decided he wasn't going to be reading this class, and maybe he didn't want to for today. Maybe he just wanted to be able to relate to someone and communicate to someone that could understand both sides of the world. And that was the best feeling ever to Dan. 

About a half an hour passed and they felt like they had talked about everything under the sun. From muse, to Phil's not so pleasant past with his family, although he Phil never told Dan why he got kicked out of his families house, he didn't really mind; because there was something that Dan didn't talk about either, or rather tried to stay from talking about. His sexuality.  

The end of the class rolled by and Phil ended up with the same schedule from English class until the end of the day, including lunch. This was great for Dan, maybe he wouldn't have to be so independent anymore. Maybe him and Phil could just stick together until the end of high school. Maybe this could all work out and the next few years could be the best years of his life. It all had to work out that way, it all will work out that way. Maybe...


Lunch eventually rolled around and Dan and Phil sat together. Although it was hard to sign will trying to eat a sandwich, somehow they managed. However Dan had a question burning in the back of his unexplored mind that he couldn't help but to ask.

"I saw you talking to the English teacher, so I cant help but ask. How do you know sign language?"

Phil looked almost surprised. He looked at Dan and visibly sighed, although Dan couldn't hear it, he knew it was quiet. He was good as picking up stuff like that, he kind of had to be. 

"I learned ASL in my last high school, got pretty fluent in it and decided that this is what i want to do for the rest of my life, so when i got kicked out of my parents place I decided what better to do than come to a school for it."

Dan decided that now that Phil was in the mood for telling the truth he would ask just one more question. 

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you get kicked out of your parents house?"

Dan felt bad for asking as soon as he did. But for some reason he didn't take it back. He just looked worriedly as the sparkle suddenly drained from Phil's eyes in nervousness. 

"Well you see my parents are very religious, being from Alabama mostly everyone is. Which also means that they are complete... homophobes; and i just so happen to be gay."

As Phil said this he sounded completely worried, like Dan would think any different of him for being homosexual. In fact the exact opposite happened once Phil started crying. 

Dan involuntarily went from sitting across from him and signed "hey hey don't cry, its ok I'm right here" even though he didn't think Phil saw it. He rapped his arms around Phil and Phil allowed it to happen and buried his face in the crook of Dan's warm, slightly over tanned neck, with the medium length, straightened hair tickeling Phil's forehead. They stayed like that for a good 15 minutes and neither of them minded it, in fact neither of them wanted to stop. Once Phil stopped crying he picked his head up and wiped his eyes, Dan's arms still around his waist. Once Dan removed his arms from Phil's waist he looked at Phil in the eyes and signed.

"It's ok, i know how you feel, I don't think any differently of you, because I'm gay too"

Phil looked at him and smiled, putting his head back on Dan's shoulder, and Dan's arms returning to be rapped around Phil's waist. Once lunch ended they skipped the last couple classes to sign, and cuddle in the men's bathroom. Neither of them wanted to stop so when the end of the day came around Phil asked Dan is he wanted to go back to Phil's apartment, and Dan happily accepted. 

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