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(Phils POV)

I stepped through the door of Dan and I's shared apartment with a grocery bag in each hand. When I set the two bags on the kitchen counter and took off my shoes and jacket, I called up the stairs to Dan. 

"Dan, I'm home!"

"I'll be down in a second!" He called back. I love hearing his voice, it's so gentle, like he is still aware of how loud he was being, even though he could hear it for himself. I didn't mind when he was too quiet, or even when he still used sign language every once and a while. It reminded me of when we first met. Back when we were just two stupid high school students sitting at a lunch table. 

Dan came down the stairs with a smile and kissed me on the cheek. 

"I can't believe it. Only two more weeks and we're finally getting married!" Dan said while walking to the other side of the counter, towards the sink. He rested his elbows on the counter right in front of me and sighed. "And I'm still just crazy for you as back in high school."

I leaned over the counter, resting my forearms right in front of his elbows and kissed him. We sat there for a few seconds, foreheads resting together, staring into each others eyes. Everything is perfect. More than perfect, I would have never imagined that I would be with someone like Dan, for the rest of my life. 

I finally backed away and Dan dramatically pouted. 

"Pj invited us out for a couple drinks tonight, you wanna go?" I asked him.

"Yeah, sure. Haven't seen him in a while." Dan chuckled. 

"Sense the hospital, right?" I asked. That was about a year ago now. 

"Yeah I think so. Damn that was a long time ago." Dan chuckled. 

"Yeah." I said remembering the night Dan got hit. I snapped back, determined not to let myself relive it. "Anyway, we're leaving at around 8, so be ready." 

"Phil, its only 6, I will be ready." Then he kissed me on the cheek, noticing that I was a little set back by the memory of the truck, and rested his hands on my shoulders. "I love you"

"I love you too" I replied, kissing him again. It was exactly what I needed to finish out the night, and then have Dan all to myself. 

Dan started walking away when he stopped and turned back around to look at me. "We haven't gotten drunk in a while. And you remember what happened last time. Tonight should  be fun" Dan said with a wink and walked away. Once he was already headed up the stars I shook my head and laughed slightly to myself. 

*Time skip to after they got drunk hehe*

"Dan you've gotta help me out a little here." I said as I was helping Dan walked, as he claimed he was 'too tired to do it himself'.

"Phiiiiiiiil" he proceeded. "I wanna go to beeeeed" He kept laughing and I wasn't really sure why. I had gotten a little tipsy as well, but nothing as much as Dan got. 

"Yeah well we kind of have to get to the bed in order to sleep babe" I said teasingly.

"Who says" he replied, looking at me while pouting. 

"I did" I replied, eventually giving in and picking him up bridal style.

Dan kept giggling and buried his head in my neck, "I could fall asleep right here" 

"As cute as that would be, I don't think I can hold you for that long" I replied.

I set him down in our bed and started to get him changed into pajamas, giving up half way and just leaving him in his boxers. I was feeling tired myself, and did the same. I got us underneath the duvet and Dan was facing away from me. I kissed him on the neck and whispered a soft "goodnight bear" in his ear.

He rolled over to face me and rapped his arms around my waist, his head returning to it's previous spot in my neck. 

"I love you" he responded to me. 

And in a matter of seconds he was asleep. His breathing evened out and his grip around my waist slightly loosened. I messed with his hair a bit, soon falling asleep myself. It's nights like this that I love the most. 


Just a short fill in fluffy chapter from Phil's perspective. 

I felt bad because I didn't write like at all yesterday because I didn't have any time, and I haven't done that in probably a month. 

I was thinking about it yesterday (I was having withdraws) and realized that at some point this fan fic has to end. I don't want to stop writing it though, it's come so far. I'm probably not going to end it for a while, but still, it makes me sad thinking about it. 

I love you all too much to stop writing for you ):

Stay alive (:


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