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Dan didn't know what to take out of that. It was like at that moment Dan, having been fluent in sign language for almost his whole life, forgot all of it in the span of 10 minutes. All of it but the word damn. Because, well, damn. Phil on the other hand didn't exactly have all of that in mind, but wasn't exactly complaining. Even if all it was, was a heated make out session in the middle of a field surrounded my trees under a blanket of stars. To them, it was perfection, and they wouldn't have had it any other way. Phil just hoped that Dan finally was having fun, for the first time in what Dan made seem like forever, he looked happy. On Dan's end he felt more than happy, he felt like that empty abyss you feel in your heart when you suddenly feel real loneliness, was stitched closed by Phil's bare hands. And that feeling was more than he could explain with just his hands, which reminded him of the sudden lack of communication that they had. God did hearing have to get in the way of everything?

"Having fun yet?" Phil signed

"That's and understatement" Dan replied, finally recollecting all of the lost signs he had previously forgotten. 

And with that Phil hesitated, about to sign something that Dan couldn't quite understand before Phil came to a sudden stop out of what looked to Dan as fear.

Phil however felt stupid, he thought that Dan probably didn't even like him, he was forced into the kiss that Phil enjoyed so much. But Phil was so wrong. 

"What, what is it"

Phil was terrified, what if he rejected Phil, what if he scared Dan away. God he couldn't stand to spend the rest of his life without Dan, he didn't understand why but the only future he could picture was with Dan. So he figured it was worth a shot. 

Dan sat up in anticipation and not to lie, he was a little worried about Phil. What if Phil didn't mean the kiss. What if it was just meaningless, out of pity for Dan. God he did not want Phil's pity. But that's when he signed it, making Dan laugh.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

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