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It's been half  a year

6 months

182 days

4368 hours

262080 minutes

15724800 seconds

and they spent every single one of those seconds completely, madly in love with each other. They spent every minute they could together. Every hour they could texting, when they weren't together. Every day saying there I love you's at least 10 times. And every month, on the day, celebrating how far they've come. They were starting to think this was going to last forever, not one second of it was going to be easy, but as long as they had each other, they would be alright. 

Last month Phil was diagnosed with anxiety and depression. Dan had depression as well so he knew about half of what Phil was going through, which helped a lot. But no matter how much Dan tried to be there for Phil whether he needed someone or not, but Phil couldn't help but feel alone in all of this. Don't take it the wrong way, he loves Dan, but he couldn't help but doubting that Dan had the same feelings for him. 

Phil was staring off into nothing thinking about all of this when suddenly one tear broke past locked gaze, without Phil even noticing. But Dan did.

"Hey hey hey, what's wrong bear?" Dan moved closer to Phil on the couch as he signed.

Phil finally broke the death stare at the emptiness of the wall in there living room, and realized that he was crying. He wiped his eyes and visibly sniffed before signing back to Dan.

"Oh it's nothing I just started thinking again" he simplified, trying to get it passed Dan, but Dan knew what that meant and rapped his arms around Phil's waist after signing once again.

"Bear I love you, no matter what voices in your head are telling you, there all lies, I love you, I always have and I'm not planning on stopping. Not this year, not next year, not next century, ok? I love you"

He pulled Phil close and rested his head sideways on Phil's shoulder just being able to see Phil sign back.

"Thank you Dan, I love you too," And then he returned the embrace lying down on top of Dan on the couch, the previous embrace turning into a deep cuddle, and soon enough turning into there sleeping position as the two boys closed there eyes and took a short nap together, hoping that the fire growing in there hearts for one another, would never burn out.

Because if that happened, they would have no way of staying warm.


Oh boy a short chapter today kids XD

Going through some stuff, anxiety and stuff that you guys don't care about so here is a little fill in chapter I'm going to figure out what i actually want the storyline to be next chapter so stay tuned for that 


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