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[Dan]: Heyy

Phil:): Hey Dan what's up?

[Dan]: Idk just bored. Nothing really to do when you cant hear *finger guns*

Phil:): Yeah i know what you mean, but hey there are plenty of fun things you can do!

[Dan]: Oh yeah? (doubt it) Like what?

Phil:): Be dressed and ready in 10 I'll come show you!

[Dan]: jfc your so positive, I love it, I love you

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[Dan]: Oh no where are you taking me now?

Phil:): Stop being so negative, your perfect, i don't know how you cant see that.

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               Message read (12:02 pm)

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[Dan]: You really mean that?

Phil:): i...... just get ready ill be there in 5.

[Dan] Phil...

Phil:): Just get ready Dan..

[Dan]: Ok..


So this is my first authors note, hello... So more people are starting to read this.. i think.. i don't really know tbh. Anyway let me know how you fell about this so far. I don't really know what to say I'm not really used to this haha. Feel free to comment, i will most likely reply and get people you know to read this too! Whether that b your friends, neighbors, parents, grandparents... actually don't make our parents and grandparents read this I don't really know where this story is going. AnYwAy I'm gonna stop rambling now.. BYE!


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