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About 5 months went by sense the night Phil asked Dan to be his boyfriend, 3 months sense the last nightmare that Phil had. Whether it was the comfort of sleeping with someone every night, not just on weekends, now that they had there own flat in the middle of London. They both graduated last month and were both still madly in love with each other, but neither of them would sign that. They weren't quite there yet.

Right now though, they were sleeping in the same bed, in there own flat, that they had finally finished unpacking in. All of this was happening at once, but neither of them gt stressed out because they had each other, everything was fun when they were together. They have been in a five month relationship, but it still feels like its only been one. They still have intense make-out sessions that would lead to Dan getting a hickey or two, but neither of them went any further than that. 

Phil was overthinking, like most people do, about all of this while he waiting for Dan to wake up, as they were holding each other so close you would have thought it was in the negatives. 

Phil wanted to tell Dan how he felt, but he couldn't express it in just sign language. But he also couldn't wait any longer, so he would just have to settle. 

He started playfully kissing Dan, going from the crook of his neck, all the way to his earlobe until he saw Dan blush as he woke up. 

"Good morning beautiful" Phil signed

Dan just smiled.

"You want some breakfast?" Phil signed as he stood up getting out of bed. 

"No I want cuddles" Dan signed back sitting up, but refusing to get out of bed.

"Is it gonna be one of those days?" 

"Unless you don't want it to be" Dan signed smiling

"I'd love that" Phil replied.

But before Phil got back into bed, he built up all of the courage inside of him, to tell him what they had both wanted to say for so long.

"Can I tell you something bear?" Phil asked. Dan grew concerned.

"Of course, anything" Dan signed back.

Phil looked down at his feet while blushing, trying to rebuild that he had just suddenly lost. Dan stood up out of bed and lifted his chin with his hand as gently as humanly possible, looking into his eyes with worry as if to repeat the word anything

Dan looked so damn cute in that moment that courage, was no longer an issue. Phil visibly chuckled at himself and forgot about all of his previous nerves and just did it

"I love you so fucking much" he signed as he leaned in and kissed him, hard. Obviously they had made out before, but nothing compared to this. This was full of want, no, need, and they just couldn't get enough. Of course eventually they ended up back into the bed, doing nothing more than what they did, back to cuddling, and they couldn't have been happier.

"I love you so much more" Dan eventually signed back.


Hi um 600+ reader??? I'm sorry but WHO IS READING AND VOTING ON THIS PIECE OF UNEDITED TRASH?!?!?!?!?!

(yes im sorry i dont edit these chapters because I dont have time for that)

(Im a freshman in high school what do you expect a piece of well written, well thought out literature? no I write and see what happens and publish it hopeing people will like it and obviously you do so you shouldn't complain)

Ok so, so far ive been blessed with no hate so lets keep it that way, I dont deal well with haters // I will win in a hardcore roast battle try me.

Ok thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed (:

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