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I am supposed to be doing homework that's due tomorrow, but nope, I'm gonna right for you losers instead :) 


Dan sat on the edge of his bed contemplating most of his life decisions, as usual, when he felt the sadly unfamiliar feeling of his pocket buz. Sorry to disappoint, it was just his phone. He took his phone out of his pocket only to reveal the bright satanic light in the darkness of his almost empty room. When his eyes finally adjusted, he saw that the notification was from the only person that he has actually willingly communicated with in the past 24 hours. Phil. 

Phil:):   I'm outside Dan, lets go have fun!

(A/N Side note im a little scared one of my lights just went out so this story may end up taking a depressing turn, don't mind me)

[Dan]: Ok I'll be out in just a second.

Phil:): Hurry we don't have much time, i have a lot planned

[Dan]: How could you have possible plan o much in the span of five minutes

Phil:): Don't ask questions just get your cute ass down here!

[Dan]: Did you say cute?

Phil:): Well technically i didn't say anything

[Dan]: You spork

Phil:): Just hurry up!

Dan eventually made his way downstairs, admittedly a little nervous. Did Phillip Lester, new kid at school, just call my ass cute? I mean I know we just came out to each other, but it never crossed my mind that he could possibly like me in any way except for as a friend of course. What did this mean. 

Dan was outside and looking around when he saw Phil standing outside of a 67 chevy impala (Yes i just went there), 

"Nice car" Dan signed

"Thanks, get in" Phil replied

Dan gt in the car, still a little nervous on that they were going t do, it was already dark out and Dan couldn't begin to imagine what random things Phil came up with. Eventually after a lot of awkward small talk (Im sorry i couldn't think of what else to call it) and the mention of sporks brought up by Phil, they had made it to a road, and stopped outside of a trail that lead to inside the deep abyss of the woods. The nervousness in the pit of Dan's stomach only increasing from here.

"We're not going in there, are we?" Dan signed

"That was the plan, come on don't be scared, this will be fun, i promise i won't let anything hurt you" Phil replied, making Dan blush. 

Just when Dan was starting to build up some courage, any at all. Phil grabbed Dan's hand and dragged him into the woods. This kind of scared Dan, not that he could mention anything because at the moment he only had one hand. But t the same time, in some weird way Phil's touch calmed him down, made  him feel safe. It was probably just his grip... right? Before Dan knew it they were in the middle of a field that looked like the only think that had touched it in ages was a lawn mower. Phil laid down a blanket and signed for Dan to lay down on it. Dan did as he was told and soon enough felt the heat of Phil wrapping Dan in his embrace. A feeling that had only happened a couple times, and still startled Dan, but also a feeling he could definitely get used to.

"So this was your big plan of having fun?" Dan signed

"I mean don't get me wrong  this is everything i could ever as for i was just wondering because you said you had a lot planned and it doesn't seem like we'removing any time soon." He immediately came back with.

"yeah. I just wanted to get hear away from everyone as soon as possible s that we could be alone, the truth is i couldn't t be apart from you fr any longer" Phil replied.

And with that he was leaning over Dan slightly which made Dan want something, ut he didn't know what. Not yet anyway. that was until Phil leaned ever further down until there noses were touching and wispered something that Dan didn't catch, having not seen his lips due to how close they were. Sometimes Dan forgets the Phil can hear. And with that though Phil closed whatever gap was left between them and kissed Dan, hoping he wasn't coming on to strong waiting for a reaction. Dan however reacted almost immediately realizing just then what he wanted so bad before. Phil. Dan pulled Phil closer deepening the kiss that had not once ended, by the cuff of Phil's wrinkled up graphic tee. To Dan, this was everything, even better than the though of hearing and before he knew it he felt Phil's hand reach from the ground by Dan's head, to Dan's lower thigh and slowly make its way upwards, only to make Dan want Phil 10x more.


Welp there you go, let me know if you want me to continue on with that smut you pervy motherfuckers. If i don't get a comment on this A/N then im not continuing the smut that would just be weird and uncalled for. Anyway that was that.. i have to go to school again tomorrow so I don't know when I will be able to update but i will find time if you want me too. How do you guys like the story so far eh? its probably really cringey and offensive but hey thats my life so deal with it or leave. And with that im out :) 

*finger guns*


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