Kelsey to the rescue!

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"Kiara, baby!" I heard my mum's voice right after me and Kelsey exited the airport, dragging our huge suitcases with us. Not even 10 seconds after I was endorsed in a group hug, consisting of my family.

"Hi mum, Tommy," I mumbled, feeling tears in my eyes as soon as I greeted them. I was about to live at home after 11 years of my life spent in Los Angeles.

"Aww, stop crying," Tom giggled and wiped my tears with his thumbs. "So glad to have you back," He then smiled and pecked my forehead, squeezing me again.

"I'm glad to be back," I whispered, not so sure about my words. 

"Mum's going to have a talk with you," He warned me quietly, patting my back before letting me go. "And who's this pretty lady?" His brows were raised as he was looking at Kelsey, a smirk appearing on his face.

"Mum, Tom, this is Kelsey, my ex coworker," I gulped cause ex coworker sounded bad to me. 

"Hi," Hey eyes were sparkling just as much as Tom's and realisation hit me again - these two were so similar to each other as if they were made to hook up at least. Though they politely shook hands I spotted how seductive my brother's eyes were.

"Honey, you look so skinny," Suddenly my mum broke observation and grabbed my suitcase. 

"Thanks mum," I said bitterly, slowly making my way to our car. I knew exactly what was coming and I truly didn't feel excited about it. I puked two times while flying and I blamed it all on the shitty coffee and stress.

"I need to get you fed," She sighed. "I knew this guy was horrible for you," Now it was my time to sigh and I felt Tom gently touching my arm in order to let me know he was there for me.

"This guy used to be my husband, mum. You should at least call him by his name?" She shook her head no and unlocked the car. 

"I told you not to date your boss back then," Her voice was grumpy and I immediately felt anger washing over me. 

"We began dating over 6 years ago, you know how stupid this sounds?" I dragged my ass on the passengers seat, shutting the door angrily.

"Yes honey, I know. But you should have listened to me back then, I knew I would be rig-," I clenched my fists since I really didn't want to fight on my first day being back home.

"What do you want to hear now mum? I'm sorry I didn't listen to you? Sorry cause I fell in love?" My voice was a bit higher than usually and my stomach started hurting again. It felt like I would have to puke again soon but now it was just not the time for that.

"I just want you to listen to me the next tim-."

"Listen to you? I have to learn from MY mistakes, mum. Zach might have been the biggest one in my life but he was also the person, who brought a lot of happiness in my life. You always only saw the bad in him!" 

"Of course I did! I knew it from the day one that he wasn't good enough for you?" I took a deep breath, leaning back in my seat as tears rolled down my face.

"Mum, stop it," I heard Tom said with a worried but already defeated voice. We both knew none of us could ever stop our mum when she started having her moments.

"No, Tom! She needs to be aware of-."

"Aware of what? Aware of how harmful Zach was for me? Have you ever thought I might have been poisoning him as well? That maybe we just couldn't function together?" This time I was nearly yelling at her, knowing I was fighting an uphill battle. My stomach was twitching again and I opened the car window a bit to get fresh air inside.

"You poisoning him? Kiara, you're talking nonsense now," She rolled her eyes and pissed me off even more.

"Mum, you are talking nonsense! I loved him back then, I still love him now, okay? And even though I made a mistake marrying him I will never ever be sorry about our marriage," I dug my head in my hands, feeling vomit in my throat.

"Kiara, you don't get my point," My mother sighed with her nails digging inside the wheel.

"Pull over! NOW!" Kelsey and Tom yelled as one when they saw me nearly puking. 

As the car was stopping I already jumped out of it, bending over and vomiting all over the grass that was next to it. Someone else was holding my hair in a ponytail, I recognised Kelsey by the grip around it and Tom must have been patting my back.

"Mum, you never - even tried - to get - my point," I was only saying two or three words at once since I was puking in between. 

"How dare you say so? I was supporting you with this guy for 6 years!" She screamed at me, obviously not minding my condition right now.

"THIS GUY NAME IS ZACH!" I screamed back, spitting out the awful taste in my mouth. Tom handed me a bottle of water with an antisickness pill.

"Well, his name should be an fucking prick!" She struck back and I felt even more tears running down my face. Some were due to sadness, some due to anger and the rest of them due to gagging my body was facing.

"I'm sorry to interrupt here," Kelsey quietly said, taking a step back from me. "Zach is still my coworker and he is far away from a prick. I also know for sure he loved Kiara at one point of his life. But they got hit by obstacles they couldn't overcome and could no longer function as a couple. None of them is a bad person, mrs. Graham, so you better keep your mouth shut next time you speak so badly about anyone."

"Woah," I heard my brother sigh and I had to smile. He wasn't easy to impress when it came to girls but it seemed like Kelsey gave him some thoughts to think about. 

Right now I was so glad I had this woman by my side cause even though she might have been a pain in the ass sometimes, she was a real dealer when it came to solving fights. And this fight would definitely get nasty if it continued that way. I loved my mum but I never really understood why she hated on Zach that much. The argument about him being my boss got invalid after I graduated yet she still disliked him a lot.

"If Kiara is feeling better, I'd like to continue our way back home," My mother said after a couple of minutes of silence and so the talk was finally over.


Hi guys!

So Kiara's mum has never really liked Zach... Too bad :( How did you like this chapter anyway? Do you ship Tom and Kelsey? 

Do you think Kiara's fight with her mum is done already?

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Love you all :*

It ain't me (Sequel to "What an asshole you are, Zachary"), Zach Kornfeld fanficWhere stories live. Discover now