Unknown number

292 12 16

Unknown number: I miss you

I sighed and locked my phone again, pushing it in the pocket of my bag. I was just doing grocery shopping and I didn't need another distraction right now. A trolley, full with food, was more than enough.

It wasn't even a minute later when I grabbed my phone and rolled my eyes at my action. Sliding over the screen to unlock it I grabbed my stomach with my other hand, feeling a kick from my baby.

Ki: Stop it.

I looked around to spot I was in the ice cream area and I immediately started drooling. Pushing my trolley forward I was quickly trying to make a decision whether it was even smart for me to buy it. I was 8 months pregnant now and had gained a lot of weight. Also my feet were swallen all the time, making it hard for me to walk.

I was happy about Luke being there for me, I really was but sometimes having him by my side started annoying me. So that was why we made a deal - he let me buy our food alone but he was waiting in the bar next to the supermarket.

Unknown number: Kiara, please. I know that we shouldn't have kissed at Keith's wedding but can we have a talk? 

I bit my lip hard and grabbed a huge bar of chocolate. At least it won't melt like the ice cream would.

Ki: Zach, please stop.

My phone buzzed straight away.

Unknown number: I still love you.

I stopped in the middle of the hall and squeaked. This was not what I wanted to read now. Ever since the wedding happened I couldn't get Zach out of my mind. Of course I was still in love with Luke, he was definitely there for all my mood swings and weird wishes but there was something pulling my thoughts back to Zach.

Ki: I have Luke now.

Ki: You divorced me, Zach.

I shook my head and continued my way down the hall grabbing some additional junk food in between. Ignoring my phone's vibrating I quickly paid for my articles and texted Luke to pick me up.

"Let me carry the bags, princess," He said as soon as he got to me. His mascular arms rised the heavy bags easily and he earned my appreciation once again.

"Did I take long?" I asked, stretching my arms in front of me before lightly placing one of them on top of my stomach. He shook his head no so his curls were swinging around his face. "She's kicking again," I said with a smile and bit my lip.

"I cannot wait to see our baby," He proudly said and I felt happiness appearing in my stomach again. I appreciated the fact Luke always thought of Fiona as his daughter and not Zach's.

"Only a month left," I bit my lip, feeling her kick strongly again. "She's so big already," I smiled and opened the trunk so Luke put the bags inside it.

The ride home was mostly silent, both of us enjoying the sun shining inside the car and the music blasting out of speakers. Sometimes my inner peace was interrupted by my phone buzzing but I successfully ignored it.

"You girls hungry?" Luke asked as soon as we sorted the food in the shelves and the fridge. 

"Always," I giggled and took my jeans jacket off my shoulders. "I'll just get changed, okay?"

"Make sure to take your time," He shrugged me off and I quickly made my way upstairs. 

Unknown number: I'm sorry, Kiara

Unknown number: I do still love you. I solved my drinking problems

Unknown number: I can't be with Tiffany. I don't even like her

Unknown number: I thought the kiss meant something

Unknown number: I still want to talk to you...

Ki: Zach, I don't want to meet you

Unknown number: Just one coffee. It's all I want

I sighed not knowing what to do. I sat down on Luke's bed and ran my hand through my hair. It fell down on my back, longer than it ever was. 

I took a deep breath then and grabbed my phone again, staring at the texts me and Zach exchanged in the past hours.

Ki: Is 6pm okay with you?

The reply was instant as if Zach was holding his phone all the time, waiting for my reply.

Unknown number: Is the Starbucks close to Buzzfeed okay?

Unknown number: I don't want you to have problems with Luke

I bit my lip, knowing I would not be able to ask Luke for a ride. I mentally decided to get myself an Uber, letting Luke know I was meeting one of the girls in town. That was the only way to get him off my feet since meeting with my ex husband definitely wouldn't make him happy.

Ki: Perfect.

I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. Simple black pregnancy trousers and a dark blue blouse definitely weren't my best attire and I wanted Zach to know I was happy in my relationship. I stripped them down as quickly as I could with a big belly and opened my site of wardrobe. 

Sliding my hand over 4 pregnancy dresses it contained I suddenly realised I wasn't just trying to prove Zach I was doing well. I also wanted to look good for our meeting. 

Unknown number: Thank you for giving me another chance to talk :)

I rolled my eyes and slid into black leggins and burgundy dress with long sleeves. It was warm in Los Angeles but not nearly warm enough for not having a jacket with you. I quickly stuffed my feet inside black Dr. Martens boots and brushed my hair. That should be enough for letting Zach know I was a happy pregnant woman. 

"Lukey," I said as soon as I made my way into the kitchen, smelling fish around me. My partner turned around and ran his eyes all over me.

"You're looking extremely good," He flashed me his white smile and I immediately felt guilt that I tried to hide from him.

"I'm meeting Primrose later," I crossed my fingers behind my back, hoping he would not realise it was all a lie.

"Great! I wanted to ask you if you were okay with me leaving for a drink or two with my lads - Michael, Ashton and Calum only," It sounded almost like he was asking me for permission. I felt slightly better straight away since I wouldn't have to worry about him waiting for me to come home.

"No, you have to meet them tonight!" I knew I sounded too excited but I couldn't hide my happiness over how smooth things went. "I'm gonna take a uber, okay?" 

Luke nodded and started texting the guys to let them know he was coming. I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket and as I pulled it out a tiny smile grew on my face.

Unknown number: An hour to go!

Before I could stop myself I found myself changing the contact's name into Zach.

If only I had known what a mistake I was making...


Hi guys!

How did you like this chapter? What were your favourite parts?

What do you think will happen when Kiara and Zach meet alone again? Will Luke find out?

Love you all :*

It ain't me (Sequel to "What an asshole you are, Zachary"), Zach Kornfeld fanficWhere stories live. Discover now