Chapter 7: Fucking Finally

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They were due to return to Korea tomorrow and he had one more night of rest before the flight. Maybe it was the heat, or maybe it was the nagging knowledge that his phone was sitting on the bedside next to him, but Yoongi could not fall asleep no matter how tightly he shut his eyes. Instead of doing anything productive, he just ended up repeatedly turning onto his sides until he gave up and laid on his back, sighing in irritation. It didn't help that he was sharing a bed with Jimin and he might as well have been taking up enough space on his own for two people.

He had been plagued with sleepless nights before but this was becoming more frequent and just physically exhausting. To top it off, the temporary insomnia wasn't impacting him as it usually was; he wasn't at a point where he felt tired and couldn't sleep. If anything, Yoongi felt anxious and alert. He felt as far from sleep as possible. They were the kind of nerves that someone got the day before something big was going to happen. The feeling was a bubbling kind of eagerness and impatience that boiled inside of his gut without rest, threatening to spill over. He felt on edge, tense, and excited all the while being unable to think about anything else than his phone, Tumblr, and the pink blog.

When he thought of finding the blog again, the feeling spiked, making butterflies spill into his stomach. It was an odd kind of nervousness, almost like a promised certainty he could feel. Despite all of the issues he had faced thus far while trying to locate the blog in question, somewhere inside he was utterly positive that he was going to find it and then...and then what?

He didn't really know what came after finding the blog; Yoongi supposed it would be the end of his curiosity and he could go back to living his life as he normally did. However, his gut told him otherwise. He just had this strange feeling about the whole situation, something he couldn't quite shake. It was like he was staring at something he had sworn he had seen before but couldn't place, so it was driving him insane. Everything just felt familiar and tingly to him.

Yoongi looked towards his phone, letting his eyes linger there while he thought about trying to go to sleep again. The soft reflection of the moonlight shining through the window reflected off the edge of the inky black case of his phone despite the rest of its body hiding amongst the gloom of the night. The light captured his dark gaze and, for a moment, he concentrated on the feeling of yearning inside while he focused on it. Once that moment passed, he reached for his phone and thumbed the button on the side, wincing at the intrusion of light as it came to life.

Once he had checked to see if Jimin was still sleeping softly next to him and hadn't been woken up with the sudden light, he laid back down on the bed again, pillow rising on both sides of his head as he sunk into the mattress. He tapped on the Tumblr icon and then sighed, preparing for the inevitable frustration. Yoongi figured he was probably just ignorant when it came to technology, but he felt like no matter what he did he could never get the app to work properly and it occasionally made him want to throw his phone. From things not loading to it genuinely just refusing to cooperate with what he wanted to do, he felt like there had to be something he was missing to make this all easier.

He checked to see if there were any notes on the 'help me' post first and, just like he expected, there were none. Next, Yoongi checked his inbox and also was greeted with a lack of anything new. He returned to his dashboard with a touch of his finger and scrolled for a little while, trying to come up with an idea about a different approach to the issue. Clearly, everything he had tried thus far wasn't working so why not just wrack his brain some more? The only issue is that he wasn't sure what else he could do except give himself a headache.

Jimin made a soft sound from beside him and Yoongi checked to see if he had woken up. The younger boy's eyes were still shut and his chest was still rising and falling rhythmically. Yoongi looked at him for another moment before he turned back to his phone, going back to the frustrating world of Tumblr and trying to find a blog that might as well have been a needle in a haystack.

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