Chapter 11: Transmissions

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[Sent at 4:32 PM]: Hi. I like you blog.

[Received at 12:35 AM]: Hey there. Thanks! I am sorry it's unorganised right now, I accidentally deleted a couple months ago. ;__; 





Yoongi really had not thought this through in the slightest. When he had sent the initial message to Alex, he didn't even consider what would happen if they responded. Now he was at a loss for what to do, especially since he didn't understand most of what they had sent him. He shouldn't have jumped the gun. He should have been more careful, but more than that he should stop while he was ahead. All he had to do was just say something that would end the conversation or even not reply at all. However, before he could consider it, he began to copy the message and bringing it into Google Translate.

After all, it wouldn't hurt him to get an idea of what they had said in response.

He realised as he stared at the Korean translation that he was already confused and at the very first part too...why were they asking him to 'look there'? Yoongi pursed his lips and then bit the bottom one, ignoring it for now. It would probably make sense in context...or something. The sentence was by far more confusing than anything he had attempted to understand yet, but he assumed it was because they were speaking so informally. From what he had gathered, they deleted their blog a month ago, which he already knew.

Yoongi laid his head back on his pillow, trying to sink a little further into the comfort of his mattress. He should have been asleep. If he was going to stay awake, he should have been doing literally anything but this. He let out a sigh and set his phone down on the bed, knowing this whole thing was among the worst ideas that he ever had pop into his mind.

But at this point, he really didn't care anymore.

He reached for his phone, fingers tracing along the sheets until he found it and brought it back up to his face. Yoongi swallowed the nerves that were bouncing around inside of him and tried to focus, thinking of the best thing to tell them that there would be a communication problem from the get-go. If Alex didn't want to talk to him because of it, he would move on.

[Sent at 12:40 AM]: it ok. sorry, my english bad.

Yoongi drew in a deep breath, dry air tickling at his throat. He set the device down and reached for the bottle of water by his bedside, resenting the heat and everything else that came with it. It was approaching the middle of August, so the summer weather was still stubbornly clinging to the city of Seoul. In fact, Yoongi knew that the weather wouldn't begin to cool off until late September, which was something he was looking forward too. He preferred being cold rather than too hot. He was tired of not sleeping right due to the heat.

He looked around the room, trying to occupy himself. The space that he shared with Jin was rather bare, only having a few touches here or there that made it feel more personal. On his side of the room, Jin had his TV, Wii, and Mario figures set up on a little shelf, along with all of his games. Other than the pink blanket he covered himself with, nothing else made the room particularly feel like Jin.

Yoongi's side was worse. The things that made it his space were harder to find, no figures or special blankets in sight. Instead, the things that hinted at his presence were the crumpled pieces of paper scattered by the trash can next to his desk and the small bookcase that had piles of CDs stacked on it, many of them untitled and laid in blank cases. They were obsolete now, most of his music transferred onto the laptop that sat on his desk, power button pulsing dimly as it hibernated. He had never been someone to overly personalise his space. He never had that kind of time to himself.

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