Chapter 22: Nobody Likes Cold Turkey

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The days had started to fly by and Yoongi had only begun to feel even more comfortable with Alex. Talking happened every day now, as often as they could. Every moment he could squeeze space into his schedule that he wasn't sleeping, he was using to talk to her. He wasn't really sure what to make of how he felt about her but he knew it was something risky. There was a difference between the idea of being friends with a fan and potentially trying to date a fan. It was opening a whole other can of worms. However, he put it on the back burner. He would worry about it tomorrow and the day after that. Just not right now, not while he was trying to talk to Alex.

Her Korean was slowly improving, just like the way he imagined she thought of his English. She made simple mistakes and he did his best to point them out and help her understand what she should be doing. There were a couple of conversations that came out of it which had made her laugh, like the time he tried to point out a mistake in her sentence and then just settled to tell her it was "all wrong" when she asked what. The one thing he noticed when they spoke in Korean is that it took her very long to reply, like she triple checked the sentence she had written, ran it through every translator she could possibly think of, and then sent it to him. Alex was stubborn though, she always committed her mistakes to memory and did her best not to repeat them. Yoongi had a good feeling that she definitely made a good contender for the recommendation she sought to be able to come to Korea and learn.

As it approached the end of November, Yoongi grew very excited knowing the new album was going to drop. Alex had expressed her excitement to him many times and she had also said she was even a little scared. He didn't exactly understand her reasoning, but he was willing to listen to her try to explain it again.

Yoongi leaned towards the window of the car that drove them to their next schedule, avoiding the stuffy flow of heat coming from the vents in the front. Having hot air blown directly on his face always bothered him and made him want to crinkle his nose. Fortunately, leaning against the window, not only sheltered him from the onslaught of stuffy air but also kept his phone out of the prying eyes of his fellow groupmates. Not that any of them but Namjoon would really be able to understand anyway.

[Sent at 1:21 PM]: why are you scared? its new music from BTS. they your favourite. right?

[Received at 1:21 PM]: I guess I just have those normal fan-jitters. I'm scared I won't like the new music that much, but more than that I am scared if I don't it will somehow mean I am not as much of a fan as I said I was. People can be really harsh on this website.

Yoongi raised his eyebrow at her words, not quite understanding where the worry was. He was flattered that Alex wanted to like everything they released, but it just wasn't practical. There was no need to force herself to enjoy something because that wasn't truly enjoying it.

[Sent at 1:23 PM]: you dont have to like everything they record. thats silly. like what you like. let the people say what they want.

[Received at 1:23 PM]: You are a constant source of good advice, August. I'll try my best to ignore the anxiety.

Yoongi was just about to type out some reply about how he knew that when Jimin suddenly popped his head through the gap in the seats. He could have jumped out of his skin and immediately hit the lock button on his phone to turn his screen black. Jimin draped his hand over his shoulder and gave him a big smile.

"So, when do we get to meet her?" He asked curiously, eyes big. He let out a little giggle as he glanced at Taehyung and then back to Yoongi. "It's not like we'd be a big shock to her. It's kind of public knowledge we all live together."

But it would be a shock to her; she didn't have a single clue that he was really Min Yoongi. Alex wasn't his girlfriend and wouldn't be meeting anyone else but himself. He just hoped that once they met they could continue to be friends and she wouldn't suddenly start treating him differently.

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