Chapter 19: Cafuné

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Yoongi had been trying to keep himself busy so he could prevent himself from accidentally slipping up and telling Alex about his hair being pink again. He had three days until the concert in Yeouido. He had to wait until he was positive that the pictures from the show were up before he tried to talk about it. He just had to keep his mouth shut until then.

While he did talk to her, he kept it simple and spent much more time than usual looking through all of the posts on her blog, rereading tags, and her answers to questions. It seemed like a good way to preoccupy himself and Alex appeared to be busy anyway, based on the long pauses that happened in their conversation between her answers. He had just been reading a post about anime she liked when Jungkook came bouncing into the living room, smiling with Jimin following behind him.

"Hyung, we're picking out costumes to wear to the Halloween event!" Kookie announced as he set down a piece of paper and a pen in front of him on the coffee table. "The manager asked me to go around and collect requests from everyone."

Yoongi looked away from his phone towards the two others, sinking a little more comfortably into the living room couch. Jimin seemed smug, like he knew something. When Yoongi made eye-contact, he wiggled his eyebrows at him and flashed a grin that was all too telling. Yoongi knew that Jimin must have become aware of how he spent his free time, like Namjoon had. But the difference is that Jimin was a loose cannon in comparison. Yoongi narrowed his eyes and hoped the sheer grumpiness of his gaze would scare him off.

"Lighten up. None of us are going to say anything," he laughed, scrunching his nose slightly. He looked towards Jungkook and then the youngest looked towards Yoongi, quickly nodding his head.

"Oh right." Kookie got a look in his eyes like Jimin had given him a pep talk before they came into the room. It was as if Kookie was trying to recall the information. Just to be sure, he nodded once more for good measure. "Yes, Hyung, no one is going to mention your girlfriend to the management."

Yoongi looked at them both, his eyes confused but still narrowed slightly. "My girlfriend?"

He was completely on the defensive, waiting for them both to spring something else on him. Yoongi didn't trust them, they were up to something; neither of them would have mentioned Alex unless they wanted something from him. But at the same time, he didn't want to deny that she was his girlfriend, which was what unnerved him more than either of their mischievous smiles.

"Namjoon-ah told us," Jimin supplied with a nod of his head as he ran his ringed hand through his locks of chestnut coloured hair; Yoongi thought the colour suited him and looked nice with his skin-tone, but he didn't voice it. Jimin smiled again, clearly amused by all of this. It was an innocent kind of amusement, nothing that would hurt anyone's feelings. Yoongi supposed Jimin's brand of mischief was better than the kind other guys in his age-range sported.

"Yeah, hyung told us that is why you were always looking at your phone lately," Kookie said as he looked upwards, like he was thinking. "Do you go out to meet her much? I never really see you leave..."

"I guess I am just too busy lately," Yoongi replied quietly. He wasn't sure why he lied. He couldn't even begin to cover what was wrong with all of this. But the biggest glaring factor was probably that Alex wasn't his girlfriend and never would be.

Jimin smiled at him and came over to him, putting his hand on his shoulder. "I'm sure you'll find time to see her." His smile softened somewhat and his hand tightened on Yoongi's shoulder. "I hope she is treating you right. You work really hard."

Yoongi couldn't really do much but nod and say, "she's great."

More lies, stacking up on top of each other. His mind started to go nuts, trying to figure out the exact reason he felt like he couldn't tell them the truth. He settled on the fact that it must have just been easier to go along with it and let them think what they wanted instead of correcting them. He settled on this explanation, knowing it sounded like something he would do.

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