Chapter 28: Birthday Surprises

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Since Yoongi had found out that Alex was definitely going to come to Seoul, he was surprised that the month had passed so fast and the exam season had only just finished. He had expected time to crawl forwards from the moment he elarned about the recommendation. He expected to feel absolutely insane from the impatience, but his work had kept him busy. It was mid-April and it was warm out and there was approximately a hundred-something days until he would get to meet her in person. He didn't like thinking about it though, his stomach always got so bubbly from his excitement and it often left him unsure if he felt sick or not.

Yoongi had gone ahead and told the good news to the members of the group, feeling like it was safe now. There was no way he'd be able to escape to meet her without them knowing, but he especially wanted Namjoon's help and advice. His friend almost seemed even more worried than he had been before. Now that he knew Alex was coming, he wasn't unsupportive. If anything, the caution Namjoon held caused him to be even more helpful because he had been trying to help his friend plan a scenario in which it would be safe for Yoongi to meet Alex.

So far, their best idea was that they would meet somewhere private and away from the dorm. While it made him uncomfortable to think about, he couldn't ignore the possibility that she might not take his true identity well. For that reason, he couldn't bring her to the dorm, even though it'd probably be the most low-key place he could meet with her. Yoongi trusted that Alex would not reveal his location to anyone if something went amiss but it was the one thing Namjoon made him compromise on. Until they knew Alex was alright and could handle the secret, she would not know where the dorm or the studio was.

"I wish it was as simple as meeting at a small discreet café, but there is really no such thing when it comes to us," Namjoon told him with a small sigh. His eyes held an apologetic quality but Yoongi didn't quite understand why. It wasn't his fault.

"There has to be somewhere we can meet where we can both sneak in and out," Yoongi said, his tone coming across as blatantly frustrated at this point. "What about very late at night? Or the early hours of the morning?"

"In Seoul that doesn't count for anything," Namjoon said as he shrugged. "Besides, what kind of impression does that leave Alex with? That you're shady and want to meet her in the middle of the night."

Yoongi sighed and even groaned a little, just flat-out lying his head on the kitchen table. This was all so complicated. It almost felt needlessly so.

"That's also why I didn't suggest renting a hotel room. It honestly makes the most sense, but what would she think if you're asking to have your first date in a hotel room?" Despite the situation, Namjoon cracked a smile while he looked at Yoongi. "She'll think you're depraved."

"I need a break," Yoongi announced as he stood up and went to the sink to get some water. "I'll think about this later."

"Well, don't keep telling yourself that and then do the opposite," Namjoon warned him as he turned in his chair, moving so he could look at Yoongi. "Or else you'll be in this same position the night before she will be here."

"I won't," Yoongi assured him.

Truthfully, he still had one hundred-something days to figure this out. He wasn't just going to indefinitely push it off, but for now, he'd keep adding to the list of things he wanted to talk about and focus on the upcoming concerts. In the meantime, he was sure that if he and Namjoon kept working together, they'd figure out some safe way for this all to go down.

At least, he hoped so.


She was right in front of him, smiling. There was no mistaking the way her eyes sparkled when she was happy, or the slightly sweet scent that clung to her. Alex was right in front of Yoongi, holding his hands and telling him that she loved him too. Her cheeks were stained pink from the confession and she bit her lip very slightly.

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