Chapter 15: Confronted

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"Why the fuck would you tell her that?" I snap at my cousin in the darkness of the hallway while Annalise, Harper, and Mason try to calm my weeping fiancé. "Why would you not tell me she asked you to dig up information?"

"She asked me not to." Gabe sighs. "She's twenty five years old Nathan, she's old enough to-"

"After everything she went through. After everything we both went through and you didn't think to tell me?"

He sighs slowly.

"I should've told you."

"Yeah, you fucking should have! She thinks he's coming for her!"

He scoffs and walks past me into the bedroom. I follow him, pissed.

"Odeletta, look at me." He says quietly. She lifts her tear stained face from Harper's shoulder. "First off, he's getting out on bail. He's getting parole, which I told you. The cops will be monitoring him. The bail is only until his trial, which is happening now since you pressed charges, which means possible court time, which means lawyers." He sighs. "Either way, he's not going near you. If he gets near your work or you house, the cops will be here and haul his ass back to jail. He's not coming here."

"I have to go to court?" She whispers.

"Yes." He says. "You'll need a lawyer. Anyways-"

"Am I going to lose and go to jail?" She gasps.

"No." He says before she has a chance to start crying again. I walk over to her and take over Harper's job of holding her. She clings to me. "If you lose, he doesn't go to jail."

"But he-he could get out?"

"I highly doubt that. Any lawyer would look at this case and scoff. He hardly has a case. It doesn't mean you're going to court, it means you might, but I doubt it. His case is bullshit and he's clearly guilty. You have a medical bills to prove it. I'm sure there are cameras recording it. For the mean time, you're safe. The cops are watching him and nobody in this house is going to let anything happen to you. If he touches you-"

"I'll kick his ass." I say.

"With the help of his beefy best friend." Mason flashes her a smile and flexes. She laughs, and I feel my heart warm at the sight of her smiling.

"You're safe." I murmur into her ear. "You are safe."

She sniffles, nodding.

"Okay." She says.

"Now you try and catch some sleep, okay?" Gabe asks her. She nods. He gives her a hug and they all file out, Anna flicking the light off on the way.


I'm at work now, between clients and I couldn't be more exhausted.

I miss Odette a lot already and I just want to go home and cuddle.

So when the clock hits noon, I couldn't be happier. I'm not even going to eat, I'm just going to go straight to her work to sit with her.

As I reach for my car keys, however, the door to my office opens and Amanda walks in.

She looks considerably pale, and behind her is my boss.

Slowly, I set my keys back down on my desk.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"The police are here." Amanda whispers.

She steps aside.

The police are here?

"Why are police here? Did something happen?" I ask, confused.

They walk into the office then, two officers, both male, I don't recognize them.

"Are you Nathan Reed?" One of them asks.

"Yes." I say. "What's this about?" My eyes widen. "Is my fiancé okay?"

"You are under arrest for the assault of Jacob Roshard." One of them says. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?"

"Uh, yes?"

What the fuck is this about?

"With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?"

I know Gabe would tell me to keep my mouth shut until I know what's going on.

"No, sir." I say. I feel the handcuffs lock on my wrists and they nudge me forward.

Who the hell is Jacob Roshard?



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