Chapter 25: Unwanted Visitor

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There is another graphic part and AGAIN if you can't handle it don't read it

Enjoy :)


I had stayed upstairs with him for the next few hours, but around seven he and I made our way downstairs after he watched me put in my contacts.

I know I need to talk to Gwen, so I walk into the living room with two beers, handing one to Nathan, I let out a small sigh.

"We should probably finish that conversation I walked out on." I say. Gwen sighs slowly and then nods.

I look down at my beer and sigh.

"When you guys said Lucia was just a piece of machinery, it pissed me off." I say, talking to all three of my parents. "Because she's so much more than that."

"How?" Maman questions. "It's a motorcycle."

I press my lips together and sits down in front of them on the coffee table. I run my fingers through my hair, thankful it's finally clean.

"When I used to cut my thigh..." I start carefully. "It was because I wanted so desperately to feel something other than loneliness." I take a sip of my beer. "And when Gwen found me and I stopped cutting, I was okay. And I got Lucia and when Gwen was at work or out doing whatever and I was alone, Lucia was there. It sounds stupid, I know, but every time I got lonely back then, I wanted it to stop. I has been alone for years. I didn't like being alone. Hell, I still hate being alone. You can ask every person that lives in this house. If I'm home alone and one of them comes home, I go downstairs and bother them until more people get home. I don't leave them alone until Nathan comes home. That's just how I am, that's how I've always been.

"It's true." Gabe cuts in.

"I think my biggest fear in life is being alone." I admit. "So when I took off on Gwen and stopped being friends with that girl that got me to do drugs, I was alone. I was alone again. I may have gotten my shit together and gotten an apartment, but that did not matter. I was still alone." I sigh. "And I was back to feeling nothing...until I rode Lucia." I smile. "You guys say she's just a bike but when you ride on her...there's a sense of happiness, of freedom that you can not get in a car. Lucia is the feeling I had when I was alone. Lucia is the reason I am not some cracked up whore living on the street, Lucia is the thing that formed me into who I am today. She calms me when I'm angry, too. She is not just a motorcycle to me. She is all I had."

"That makes sense." Dad nods. "I never thought of it like that. You should take me on her sometime, Odeletta. You never have."

I smile. "I will take you on her." I hesitate. "Another thing too is...when I shut Gwen out..." I look down at my beer bottle, tracing the lip of it with my index finger. "Lucia was all I had from Gwen. She was the closest thing I had. I don't know how to explain it, but Lucia reminds me of happiness. She reminds me of my family. I will never sell her."

"You had a lot of things from me." Gwen sighs softly. "You could have had me, Odeletta. You knew that."

"I already told you Gwen, I was-"

"I know." She says. "You were ashamed."

Maman sighs sharply.

"Odeletta, that is just complete bullshit." She mutters, rubbing her temples. "When you find a girl that has cuts down her fucking thighs, you send her to rehab, not buy her a motorcycle."

My eyes narrow.

"I didn't know her enough." Gwen says. "And she wouldn't have gone anyways. And-"

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