Chapter 32: Bodacious

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I stare into his brown eyes, suddenly becoming aware of the stinging in my hands and knees.

"You-" I cut off, more tears rolling down my face. He brushes them away. "You were here the whole time?" I sniffle.

"Yes." He says. "I was across the street, over there, see?" He points to a gym on the other side of the road. "I was using the punching bag when I heard Lucia's engine. I looked out the window and saw you drive past. I was almost certain it was you and I came outside to look and saw you pull up at the pump. When you took your helmet off, I came over to talk to you." He rests his hand on my cheek. "But you went inside, so I waiting across the street. When you came out and he followed you, I got a bad feeling so I put the hood on and walked over. You weren't in danger, amour. I was there the whole entire time. The only person who touched you was me, baby, just me."

I'm kneeling on my knees and it hurts a lot, so I fall back onto the icy sidewalk, feeling the coldness of it seep through my jeans.

Wincing, I move my legs out in front of me. He remains kneed on the sidewalk in front of me, watching me with his face creased with worry.

He takes in my knees and I glance down too. There's a lot of blood.

He stands up then, holding his hand out to me.

I get up without taking it, and I see the hurt flash on his face. In answer, I hold up my bloody palms.

He frowns slightly. It hurts to walk, my knees stinging painfully. I walk slowly and he stays beside me.

When we reach Lucia, he pulls the pump which stopped by itself a while out out of her tank, stuffing it back in it's place on the machine. He screws the cap on, does the tickle and the choke and then starts her up, handing me my helmet.

"Can you drive?" I mumble.

He looks down at me. His eyes widen slightly.

"Um..." he looks at Lucia and then back at me.

He taught me how to drive a manual car a few years ago and I taught him out to drive Lucia.

I have never ridden Lucia with somebody else driving.

"You know how." I mumble. "And I..." I trail off.

"Let me to a test drive around the parking lot." He says quietly.

He hands me his helmet and gets on.

"Remember how?" I ask.

"I remember." He says.

I watch as he rides around the lot for a few moments.

He comes to a steady stop next to me.

"I'll drive." He says.

I hand him his helmet.

"I've never been a bike without driving it myself." I mumble.

"Well that's about to change." He smiles softly at me.

"Nathan..." I look down, fiddling with the mask of my helmet. "We need to talk."

"I know." He says finally. "Let's talk when we get in, okay?"

I nod, hesitating.

I can't believe I'm letting him drive Lucia.

I take a step towards him, but then I stop.

"The only person aside from me that has driven Lucia was Henry and that was because I had a dislocated shoulder and a number of other injures. I have never let anyone drive her without having a choice."

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