Chapter 36: Settling

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I sit on the back porch, staring at the garage.

I could do it so fast, he would never know.

I glance down at my baby bump.

There's no harm in just simply hearing her engine.

I open the back door and slip in the house, moving quietly. I feel the familiar fluttering of the baby moving as I open the drawer in the kitchen and grab the keys to Lucia.

My eyes glance at the clock.


Harper is still sleep and I'm doing nothing wrong.

I haven't touched Lucia in three months.

I've been married for two months.

I'm just going to turn her on, that's it.

I slip out of the back door again, walking around and into the garage. I rub my swollen belly as I walk up to Lucia, running my finger along her seat.

I do the tickle and turn on her choke and slam down on the kickstart.

Her engine roars to life, unsettling the Chicago air.

I put my hand on her vibrating seat.

I can just take her around the block...

What's the harm in taking her around the block, right? I grab the throttle and rev her engine loudly, grinning when I hear her scream.


I'm ripped from sleep when I hear a motorcycle engine.

Odeletta isn't in bed.

What the fuck?

I launch out of bed, tripping into my basketball shorts.

Just as I emergece from the bedroom, I see Gabe and Harper doing the same.

"What the hell is she doing?" Gabe asks angrily. "She's five months pregnant!"

We go downstairs, sprinting down the hall to the door that leads outside, Mason and Annalise joining us from downstairs. We rush outside, getting in the garage in just enough time to see Odeletta raising her leg to get on Lucia.

I walk up to the bike and rip the key out of her ignition.

"Put it back!" Odette snaps.

"No! You're five months pregnant!"

"Just around the block!" She pouts. "Please? Please Nathan?"

"No." I say.

She glares at me, turning around and stomping back in the house.

A moment later, she comes back.

"Your take her around the block. She deserves some fucking attention and you won't let me give her a harmless trip around the block!"

"You are growing our child." I reply.

"Please take Lucia around the block." She says. "Please?"

"I'll do it." Gabe says.

"No." Odette says. "Nathan will do it."

"Oh, I will?" I ask.

"Yes, because I'm your wife and I said so. Take Lucia around the block."

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