Chapter 41: 4:26PM

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"So you are staying until Raylen comes?" I ask Gwen, rubbing my belly.

"That's the plan, yes." She smiles. "How are you doing? You're due in what, eleven days?"

I glance at the date on my phone.

December 8th.

"Yeah." I nod. "Today is thirty seven weeks and three days."

"That's full term?" Annalise asks.

"Yeah." I walk to the living room. I feel so huge.

All of my family is here today because Gwen was coming. She just got here and she's going to stay in the guest room. Nathan and I got our Christmas shopping done months ago so we didn't have to do it when I was huge and really pregnant. The nursery is all painted and decorated and ready for Raylen.

"Are you nervous?" Gwen asks.

"No really." I say.

The last few days I have been getting Braxton Hicks a lot.

"Where's Nathan?" Gwen asks.

"He's working." I yawn.

"Are you still working?" She asks. I nod.

"I just work from home for now." I take a deep breath. I run out of breath so easily. I've been so cranky lately, and I've been having a lot of cramps today. I feel another one starting and let out a hoarse breath.

"Another one?" Maman asks, her eyebrows creased in worry.

"Maybe we should call Nathan home." Papa says as I grip the back of the couch.

"It's not that bad." I say after it passes. "Really."

I sit down on the couch and Gwen sits down too. It's snowing lightly outside.

"Maybe you should get some rest." Maman says. "You can lay down on the couch."

"Gwen pats her lap and lightly pulls my shoulder. I lay down on my back with my head. In her lap, sighing.

My back hurts.

"Just get some sleep." She says.

Nodding, I close my eyes and let sleep take over.


A half hour later I wake up to a really strong pain, one that can't be brushed off.

I sit up slowly, blowing out a breath. After thirty seconds or so, it fades.

"I have to pee." I mutter, pushing myself off the couch.

I feel a light pop and then a gentle trickle of water dribbles down my legs.

I stare down as my light jeans get darker, and I start laughing. It feels like all the pressure that has been building for the last nine months has gone away.

"Did you just pee?" Julian sits up.

"No, I don't think so." I chuckle quickly.

The water stops trickling, and my smile vanishes when a pain strong enough to make me groan appears. I put my hand on my belly and groan, leaning forward. I feel Papa grabbing my arm.

My water.

"My water broke. Oh god, oh my god, Nathan isn't home!"

"I'll call him right now." Gwen says, pulling out her phone. She dials and waits, but there's no answer.


I'm in the middle of a session with a client when my phone started ringing. I left it, but a second later it starts again, and I can hear it vibrating.

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