Chapter 16: Lawyer

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I watch my cousins fiancé pace the living room, her hands rubbing repeatedly through her hair.

"It's fucking one in the morning." She says. "He should be home! He would've been home hours ago so where the hell is he?" She whips around. "Mason,"

"His car was still there when I left." He tells her for the millionth time.

"He probably fell asleep at his desk." I say reasonably.

"No, something is wrong." Annalise says quietly. Everyone looks at her. She shrugs. "Gut feeling."

She sips her beer.

"I'm calling Annie." Odette decides.

"No, you don't want to do that." I say, plucking the phone from her fingers before she can dial my Aunt. "She'll have a freak attack. Don't call her until we find out if we need to call her."

"If I don't hear from him by-"

The doorbell starts ringing insistently.

I stand up, pushing back Odette.

"It could be your crazy assaulting stalker guy." I say. "Nate isn't here, which means it's my job to protect you."

She follows me to the door anyways. I unbolt it and open it.

A women with blonde hair and green eyes stands there.

"Does Nathan live here?" She asks.

"Yes?" I say. "Who are you?"

She practically shoves past me and into the house.

"Uh, sure, you can come in." I say, closing the door.

She walks straight into the living room.

She sets a set of car keys on the table, along with a wallet and phone.

Nathan's car keys, Nathan's wallet and Nathan's phone.

"Who are you?" Odette demands. "Where did you get my fiancé's things?"

"You must be Odeletta." She girl says. "I'm Amanda. I'm-"

"Nathan's assistant." Odette says.

Why is Nathan's assistant at our house at one in the morning.

Dread fills me.

"Where's my cousin?" I ask her.

"He's in jail." She says.

"Bullshit." I say. Anna, Mason, and Harper are standing up now.

"I'm not kidding." She says. "It was around um...noon, I think? It was his lunch break. He was getting ready to leave for his break and the cops came in and asked if he was in, and I told them yes because-they're the police!" She looks distraught. "And then they arrested him for assault!" Her face screws up in disgust. "He doesn't seem like a violent person. But he got arrested for the assault on some guy named Jacob...I don't remember his last name, but I think it started with an R."

"Jacob Roshard?" Odeletta demands.

"Yes!" She snaps her fingers. "Oh god, is it true?"

She grits her teeth.

"That bastard!"

She starts yelling in French at a mile a minute.

"Odeletta!" I snarl. "Who the fuck is that guy?"

"That's the fucking guy who I pressed charges against for trying to rape me! He's the guy Nathan punched when he wouldn't leave the house! He got out of fucking prison and now he's trying to put Nathan in jail! I my life going to always be so miserable?"

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